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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Ariana Angelos on September 19, 2023, 06:48:06 PM

Title: “Fallen Angel Part 1: What I Must Do.”
Post by: Ariana Angelos on September 19, 2023, 06:48:06 PM
It seems like Ariana’s luck is in a downward spiral with no way to pull out, she had the World Bombshell Title Match against Courtney Pierce won only for Ruby Steele to interfere but rather than go quietly into the night and try to rebuild like she did after her failed bid to take the title from Roxi back in May Ariana pulled a move that hadn’t been seen since the dark days of Jessie’s title hunt by trying to cut in line.

There was just one problem with her plan, well, several really, the bosses made their displeasure at Ari’s actions known and to Ari’s credit, she called their bluff and basically dared Christian to give her a chance to earn a shot, well the time had come for Ari’s chance but it wasn’t going to come easy as she was taking on the woman the bosses had picked for Courtney’s next challenger in singles action, that woman’s name was Julianna DiMaria, an undefeated Bombshell who had done something Ari couldn’t, namely? Beat Roxi Johnson! In fact, that was the whole reason Julianna was picked! But just to throw another wrench to the works? Courtney was serving as the guest ref for the match! If Ariana won she would get her wish, she would be added to the World Bombshell Title Match, can Ariana win?

Backstage at Violent Conduct IX, Yucatan, Mexico
Sunday the 25th of August 2023, 23:00pm

A tale of two World Bombshell Title Matches.

My first shot at the top title was during the last international tour, the Unsolved Mysteries Tour, otherwise known as the tour, where most of the champions couldn’t hold onto their belts for more than a few minutes was a huge milestone for me and though I failed to dethrone Roxi I was proud of my performance in that match.

As for the match against Courtney? Where do I even start?

How about the end of the match? I had it won but Ruby, who had her arm broken earlier in the cycle, hit me with her cast allowing Courtney to retain, what kind of champion relies on their injured wife to win matches for her?! A weak one, that’s what! And you want to know the worse part?

I know exactly what the bosses will tell me if I even try to go through the proper channels, to go to the back of the line and wait my turn even though I got fucked over and Christian agrees with me in that Ruby never should’ve been at ringside!

In other words? I’m not even going to bother going through them, they’ll try to force what they have planned through instead of doing the right thing, well I’m through being a doormat! Come next Climax Control I’m taking matters into my own hands!

And if the bosses object? Fuck them, only thing they are good for is signing my paycheques.

”Ugh, this is such bullshit!” I exclaimed as I sat in the car, my theme song “In The Middle of the Night” by Within Temptation playing over the rent-a-cars’ speakers, as great as the international tour has been? I was just ready to get back home to Vegas and plan my next move, unfortunately that wasn’t until tomorrow morning. ”I swear to god, SCW needs new referees pronto.”

“Still mad over the end to the title match?” Francisco asked as he got in the car next to me and I turned to my husband before nodding. “Just go to the back of the line like you did after the match against Roxi and rebuild……….”

”NO! Fuck that!” I exclaimed angrily and Francisco’s head snapped up before he turned to me. ”I have been the Bombshell Division’s doormat for too long! I am not going to sit back and let whoever the bosses have lined up next get a shot instead of me!”

“Well, if her win over Roxi from tonight’s show was any indication? Then that person will probably be Julianna.” Francisco pointed out and he had a point, controversial or not (and the loss was definitely controversial) Julianna getting a win over a legend like Roxi likely raised her stock a lot, not that I cared. “But seriously Ari are you listening to yourself? This isn’t like you, and you’re going down the same path as Jessie did when she was your age.”

”I’m only going to do this once! And once I get what I want? Well, what happens next will entirely depend on who walks out the World Bombshell Champion.” I responded as I shook my head and Francisco sighed before he started to drive off. ”What time is our flight with Kayfabe Airlines booked for?”

“11:00am.” Francisco reminded me and I nodded as I thought about it some more. “Plan was to meet Carter and Miles for breakfast before we flew out, remember?”

”I’m not sure if I’d be up for that now.” I responded with a grunt as I glanced out the window. ”If the guys ask? Tell them that something came up that required us to head home early, issue with the pets maybe? Either way, I just want to get home as soon as possible.”

“Okay, now I know something is wrong.” Francisco responded and I glanced over at him. “Ari, Carter’s been your best friend since you enrolled at the Go Gym, you’ve been through thick and thin together but now you’re trying to distance yourself from him?”

”I’m not sure what I want now Franky, I just need to clear my head with as few distractions as possible.” I responded with a shrug and Francisco frowned before he drove off.

Backstage at Climax Control 372, San Diego, California
Sunday the 17th of September 2023, 21:00pm

Part of me expected the reactions my actions have gotten, what I didn’t expect was for the bosses to get so vocal after I dared to stand up for myself.

Because god forbid they deviate from their plans for whatever reason.

And just to make matters worse? Only one person on the roster has taken my side and that’s Luna Vanity or whatever her name is now! Aside from her? Everyone’s been quick to deepthroat the bosses’ boots, all because I’m sick of putting up with this bullshit! As for Team Hero? Roxi has been quiet on the matter and it’s been Keira who’s been doing all the talking on behalf of the Hall of Famers trying to get me to calm down.

I didn’t enter this damn business to get patronised by my elders, especially not one half of a team I grew up idolizing! But that wasn’t what hurt most, no, what hurt most was Carter’s reaction to all this! All because I pointed out what a cheap whore The Troll’s mom is! How else does someone that ugly come out of someone that pretty?! And The Troll had the gall to insult my win/loss record when he had nowhere else to turn too.

I’ll remind you that it took that moron TWO FUCKING YEARS to get his first win in SCW! I got my first win in SCW in my first match, in other words? He’s an absolute idiot who has no place to talk when it comes to win/loss records!

But back to Carter, I lashed out at him for daring to jump to The Troll’s defence and now we’re on the outs, will we mend fences eventually? Probably, time heals all wounds and all that! But for now I need to focus on myself, and the contenders match the bosses have booked me in.

Turns out Francisco was right, Julianna DiMaria was earmarked as Courtney’s next challenger, but my actions have led them to book a #1 Contender’s Match next week in Fresno, and the kicker? Oh, just the fact that Courtney’s going to be the Special Guest Ref!

Because the regular refs aren’t biased enough, am I right?

”Great! Just fucking great!” I grumbled to myself as I read the preview for the match against Julianna, were the bosses really willing to overlook the fact that she had used brass knuckles to beat Roxi at Violent Conduct? Yet they demonize me for actually trying to do something for myself rather than be a doormat for the other bombshells to walk over. ”They may as well have just said no to my request now that Courtney’s been added to the match! If she actually screws me out of this match then I’m going to make sure she doesn’t make it to High Stakes!”

”And I thought Cassie took her loss badly.” I glanced up and saw Harper Mason standing nearby, I had assisted in her training and was genuinely happy to see her do well in her SCW career so far but I really wasn’t in the mood. ”And yeah, I saw the card as well, I know what match your talking about.”

”You mean the bosses taking the side of a champion who cheats to win her matches over the woman who should be champion right now?” I responded as I shook my head and Harper frowned. ”I’m not sure what the situation with KCW is but you are a champion for that promotion, aren’t you?”

”As much as I’d like to say that I knew what was happening with KCW? I can’t, I haven’t heard anything from them in months.” Harper responded as she shook her head before folding her arms. ”But if you want my perspective as a champion? If Courtney was worthy of that title she wouldn’t need Ruby’s help to win her matches, and the fact that the bosses are taking her side over yours would frustrate the hell out of me too!”

”Thanks for proving my point.” I responded with a scowl as I looked at the card again, Harper had an easy matchup next week, Bea Barnhart was the joke of the bombshell division for a reason, but I put that out of my mind for now. ”It just seems to me that the bosses don’t like their plans being fucked with.”

”Speaking from personal experience? That sounds about right.” We slowly looked up and saw Jessie standing nearby with a scowl on her face, obviously still angry over our argument from earlier in the night. ”And I don’t want you talking to her Harper.”

”Wasn’t aware that “being a motherly figure” was listed in a manager’s job description.” I responded in a deadpan way and Jessie glared at me. ”I was rambling to myself about the #1 Contenders Match they booked for me, Harper happened to overhear and I asked for her champions’ perspective on Courtney.”

”And I was happy to give it to her since I didn’t have anything else to do.” Harper responded with a shrug and Jessie shook her head. ”Also I just turned nineteen and you’re my cousin, you can’t control who I can talk too Jess.”

”And as your manager? I’m trying to guide your career and I don’t want you repeating her mistakes!” Jessie responded as she walked up to Harper and my frown deepened. ”You’ve seen the results for yourself Harp, she’s becoming a pariah of this division at a much faster rate than I ever did………”

”What’s the matter Jess? Don’t want her to think for herself?” I asked bluntly and Jessie turned to me. ”You don’t manage her in EWC or FCW last I checked.”

”She joined those promotions before I made my mind up regarding my Roulette Title Reign.” Jessie responded as she shook her head. ”As for whether I’ll join her there in the future? That remains to be seen, but as long as she’s in SCW I don’t want Harper to interact with bad influences.”

”That’s where your wrong Jessie, I’m a great influence for a young talent like Harper.” I responded as I shook my head before I went to walk off. ”Because I’m the only one willing to stand up for what’s right! Everyone but Luna is too afraid to admit it.”

I walked off without another word and Jessie and Harper went on their way, frankly I didn’t care what Jessie thought, if anything she was being a massive hypocrite just based on what she’s done in the past.

It didn’t matter in the end because I knew what I had to do.

A hiking trail outside Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 19th of September 2023, 13:00pm

*promo time*

As I sat atop that hill overlooking the hiking trail, I had a few things on my mind.

”A so called champion needs the help of her injured wife to win a title match and no one bats an eye, the woman who got screwed over in that match decides “fuck what the bosses say, I’m doing what’s right!” and everyone loses their fucking minds!” I commented as I shook my head after turning on my camera. ”Everyone was so quick to decry Courtney for needing someone else’s help, much less someone with a broken arm, to beat me at Violent Conduct but the minute I decide to wreck her celebration ceremony everyone was so quick to deep throat the bosses’ boots because it’s not like they’ve ever done anything wrong, right?”


”I have a question for the rest of the Bombshell Roster, would you have been so quick to condemn me if Mark and Christian had kept their mouths shut? Or are you just trying to stay on their good side? The roster needs less ass kissers and more people who are willing to do what’s right for them and them alone.” I stated as I flipped some hair over my shoulder. ”And that brings me to this contenders match, me against the bosses’ handpicked #1 Contender with Courtney as the Special Guest Referee, who is that #1 Contender? Julianna DiMaria, why? Because she has a win over Roxi Johnson.”


”Is Julianna really more deserving of this shot than me? No, no she isn’t.” I added as I folded my arms. ”You see Julianna? I went back and watched that match between you and Roxi, and much like Courtney you benefited from SCW employing some of the worst referees in wrestling! You didn’t beat Roxi honourably, you beat her after blasting her in the face with brass knuckles that you had hid in one of your boots which I honestly can’t imagine being all that comfortable to walk around in! and yet your still more worthy of this shot than the woman who got screwed out of her last shot at Courtney because the ref couldn’t be bothered to do his job and eject Ruby Steele from the ringside area?!”

Gee I wonder why?

”I guess a win’s a win if the bosses are willing to overlook minor details like a Hall of Famer getting punched by brass knuckles!” I added as I shook my head with a disgusted look on my face. ”And yet I’m the one getting demonized? I’m the one being diagnosed after a quick Google Search, yes Carter I saw those tweets, all for me being tired of being pushed around by the other Bombshells? NO! Fuck that, I tried being the nice girl, those days are officially behind me, I will do what’s necessary to further my career and if the bosses don’t like it? I don’t care!”

There, I said it.

”And as for those “Calm Your Tits” t-shirts? I’d buy them all just to burn them in a bonfire on TikTok if it didn’t indulge Mark in his self-indulgent bullshit!” I stated bluntly as shook my head. ”But as for you Julianna? Before that match against Roxi you had an impressive run, back to back wins over Dawn Warren and Laura Pheonix, in fact? Your undefeated to date, I’ll give you credit for that at least but all things must come to an end and guess what? That undefeated streak of yours is on the chopping block!”

Chop, chop.

”Your undefeated streak, Courtney’s reign, the rest of that pathetic Jet City Gym? They are all on the chopping block as far as I’m concerned! The sooner SCW is purged of Jet City scum like Courtney, Eiley, Ruby, and Ollie the better! But first I have to end your little undefeated streak and trust me Julianna, it’s on thin ice!” I said as I shifted my weight a little bit. ”Frankly SCW would’ve been better off if Roxi had ended your streak at Violent Conduct because then we wouldn’t have this shit going on but I guess even the bosses have to play favourites even if it means overlooking the fact that one of their Hall of Famers got blasted in the fact with brass knuckles! I wonder if they realize the precedent that sets? Does that mean it’s open season on SCW Hall of Famers?”

I do wonder.

”I’d ask how long it’ll be before Mercedes Vargas is attacked but considering that in her last two matches she’s been shocked and flattened? I guess she’s been through enough for now! But at the same time Julianna? I may not be a Hall of Famer but I guess it’s still up to me to make sure that this doesn’t become a regular thing and making sure that I’m joining you and Courtney at High Stakes would be a great wat to do it.” I stated as I shook my head. ”As for what’ll happen after I win that match? We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it but I’m not about to let an undefeated upstart who cheated to beat a Hall of Famer get in the way of that!”

One little message for Courtney.

”Before I get into the wrap up? I have a message for our “esteemed” champion/special guest referee Courtney Pierce, don’t fuck me over in this match!” I warned her as I glared into the camera. ”Because if you do I’ll do whatever’s necessary to make sure that you never make it to High Stakes and that goes double for that Malaka you drag around with you, if Ruby gets involved? Then I won’t be held responsible for what I do to you and her! And Julianna? Don’t think I’ll let you reap the awards if that bitch does give you the win because I may just take you out as well.”

It's that simple.

”What happened to Ariana? She used to be so nice? I’ll tell you what happened to me, I got tired of idiots overlooking everything I’ve accomplished in the three years that I’ve spent in this business just because I decided that enough was enough!” I snapped angrily as I grabbed the camera with my hand. ”And that insulting poll that moron put on Twitter was just the tip of the iceberg, fuck every idiot who voted for “she isn’t that good” or whatever it fucking says, I didn’t get disowned by my parents for getting into wrestling just so some moron can insult me in that way! This Sunday I’ll prove to Julianna and the world that I belong in the Main Event and Courtney belongs in a fucking whorehouse!”

And with that I decided to wrap thugs up.

”I’ve worked too hard to have my skills insulted by an idiot who hangs around Calvin Harris to make himself feel better! I’ve put too much of my life into this business for that fluke Internet Champion to think she has any authority on who’s good or not! And I’ve endured way too much shit over the past few months for idiots like Julianna, Courtney, and Ruby to fuck me over just because I am trying to do what no one else has the balls to do!” I let out several deep breaths as I stood up and spat to the side. ”I am the only one willing to do what’s right in this god damn division and it’s about time the rest of the division recognizes that! And this Sunday at Fallen Angel Part I: What I Must Do is not going to be pretty but I will accomplish it no matter what! Prepare yourselves for the Dark Angel’s arrival.”

I turned off the camera and walked off as the scene fades.