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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Goth on June 24, 2022, 07:43:43 PM

Title: The young lioness against the old (vs Mercedes Vargas)
Post by: Goth on June 24, 2022, 07:43:43 PM
Another lesson learned
June 21st 2022

The scene cuts open in the gym, Melissa is thrusting kicks and punches against the punching bag. She had felt great after winning her second match this past Sunday, but she knew that everything was just about to start. She had decided to celebrate the victory with Kat this Sunday, wanting to have some girls night out before preparing herself for another match. She hits the punching back with some high knees, feeling how her muscles react to the bag as she had realized how much she had missed training since her departure from kickboxing. She had felt her body slowly getting more muscular and some of her baby fat slowly start to vanish. This caused her to feel pride as she had been told by many outsiders that they had doubts about her, whether she could compete in the wrestling ring after having being away from contact sports for several years now.

“Damn you Jessie….”

Unfortunately not everything was wonderful this past Sunday, her seemingly weekly routine confrontation with Jessie Salco had left a foul taste in her mouth. She got literally sucker punched against her jaw, she couldn’t believe that somehow this smaller woman caused to surprise her. This causes her to growl as she executes several spinning back elbows against either side of the punching back before finishing it with some more heavy knee strikes before standing still in front of the punching bag and focuses upon it. She imagines that it is Jessie standing there, causing her to blast the punching bag with all of her might while screaming out in agony.

The punching continues for several more minutes as sweat pours from her face, the irritation slowly fades as a sinister grin emerges upon her face.

“Take that Jessie….”

She says underneath her breath, hating the situation as she allowed Jessie to get under her skin. It annoyed her. She had vowed that she would be a silent assassin, that she would be cool and collective just like Goth always seemed to be. But why did she allow Jessie to get to her?? A question she didn’t knew the answer to and she hated it.

“Payback is going to be….”

The final part of the sentence disappears in the onslaught of her growling, the punching and the weight of the blows that the punching bag absorbs during Melissa’s training. She was wondering if this was what it was like to be a rookie in the wrestling industry? She had heard the tales of Goth, telling her that he had made newcomers work their asses off in order to survive, or just dispose of them if he thought they could not hang with he best. She had always laughed at the notion of veterans not wanting anything to do with newcomers. But now she started to wonder whether his words held a certain truth to them, seeing how she was been disrespected by others during her two matches… or at least that was how she felt about their respect towards her, or lack off.

“Focus Melissa…, or else you will turn into a laughing stock.”

She holds the punching in her hands for a few moments, focusing on the next series of attacks that she wanted to test. She knew that the woman they call Mercedes Vargas would be studying her every move, watch her two fights that she has had so far and be prepared. She was thankful for Goth to give her advice, but she knew that in the end she had to do it all on her own.

“Best of The Best huh?? Well I will show her, just like I’m going to show Jessie.”

Melissa starts to drive forearm shots into the punching bag with rapid pace, first with her right arm. Driving it deep into the leather of the bag before turning towards her other arm and repeat the same move over and over again. She thought back to the matches she had with Chloe and Arianna. She could tell that even though they had more experience underneath their belts, that they were still wet behind their ears in comparison to the multi-time champion Vargas. Melissa had watched her and Goth perform as a Mixed tag team duo, winning the titles off of two names that people thought were unbeatable. It made her respect Mercedes for taking so many offence from the larger Tempest, allowing her endurance to help her overcome the far more in-experienced amazon of a woman.


She chuckles, she had seen the smaller Bombshells look up at her for her seize and weight advantage over them. She could tell that they envied her because of it, but she on the other hand had issues with their speed and agility. She had often scoffed at the notion that speed kills, she believed that their speed would ultimately be the death of them. But it was far more than that, making her realize that even though Mercedes is an experienced and now older woman. She still must possess a lot of agility and speed to be able to perform at such a high level, making her wonder what it would have been like to have competed her at her very best of her abilities.

“No, must not think that way.”

She starts to shake her head, trying to collect her thoughts. Starting to curse at the notion that during her training that names like Jessie Salco, Chloe and Arianna had popped in her head at a moment of having to focus on her training. And now Mercedes Vargas also?? This is going to be a rough day while exercising.

“Perhaps I should get on the treadmill instead.”

She says with a sigh, turning her attention to the treadmill before shaking her head. She never enjoyed running blindly on a treadmill, she preferred to run laps outside, but she knew there was no other alternative. She gives the punching bag another punch with a lot of anger behind it when she suddenly hears a familiar voice from behind.

“My…, what did the big bad punching bag do to you this time??”

Melissa rests her right arm against the punching bag, while turning around to see a smiling Kat Jones standing there. Ready to prepare herself for her big match against Masque this coming Sunday, something that she had wanted ever since the assault on Amber. Melissa chuckles, wiping some sweat from her forehead with her left hand before holding the punching bag steady before delivering some jabs at it.

“I just lost my focus for a second, some bug was pestering me.”

Kat giggles some more as she starts to do some stretching exercises before starting her own work out.

“And the name of this bug happens to be Jessie Salco??”

Kat asks as her question results into Melissa hitting the bag hard with a massive body shot with her right hand, she follows it up with some forearm shots and ends it with series of quick punches before turning around. She stares at Kat, who already knew the answer to her question and does not even bother looking at Melissa.

“You need to get yourself some anti bug spray Melissa, it seems to be getting to you.”

Melissa sighs, refusing her anger to get hold of her in the fashion that she was feeling. She walks over towards the bench with her towel and a bottle of water, wiping her face before taking a few sips from the water before turning her attention towards Kat.

“I just don’t get what her f****** problem is with me. I….”

She stops, she knows that it is futile to ask rhetorical questions as she knows that she is partially to blame also. It was her that began by grabbing Jessie by the throat several weeks ago. It would be foolish to think that there wouldn’t be any retaliation. She knew she had to apologize for it, but it felt so good that she refused to give in to it. She turns to Kat once more, who seems to be very calm and collective… even though Melissa knew that the current Bombshell Roulette champion was burning from within because of the attack on her sister Amber Ryan.

She sighs while turning her attention back to the punching bag and starts to hit final kicks against it before walking over towards the treadmill. She feels Kat’s eyes burning holes into her back without turning her attention towards her. She places both hands on the side bars and lowers her head.

“Spill it Kat….,”

“You need to learn to calm down Mel, someone like Mercedes will roast you.”

These words sting Melissa as she spins around, not having turned on the treadmill and is about to charge in on Kat. But she ultimately stops when she is a few steps away from Kat, who has a smirk on her face as she is shaking her head.

“Man, you are too easy.”

Melissa’s anger is growing, her hands are closed as fists as she is struggling to contain her cool and collectiveness. But she knows that Kat is right, she just hates to admit it.


Melissa turns around as she is about to walk over towards the treadmill to run off her frustration, but is stopped when Kat has reached out and grabs her arm. Melissa spins around, looking annoyed at Kat who smiles at her.

“Come on now baby girl, don’t be like that… I..”

The anger inside Melissa is building, looking down at the hand that is holding on to her before staring down at the smaller Kat. Wondering how she is keeping her cool? Asking herself if she could learn that one day, but knew that she just have to swallow her pride and anger.

“I see a lot of myself in you when I started off Mel, it’s a learning process that everyone needs to go through. I…”

“Oh great!! Another written exam that I need to take, what is next teacher?? Do I need to do fifty pushups?? To at least show that I am strong enough??”

Melissa yanks her arm out of the grip of Kat before she decides to sit down on the bench on the other side of the gym. Dropping down with an loud sigh, looking away from Kat as she sees a lot of pictures of legendary wrestlers that have come through the doors of this gym and shakes her head.

“How did you manage to contain your composure Kat??”

Kat sits down opposite Melissa on another bench, she smiles as she tapes her fists.

“I get angry just like you Mel, hell haven’t you paid attention to my intentions what I want to do to Masque since Amber?? I just know how to contain my anger so it won’t allow me to make mistakes. At this moment you have been getting some crash courses on what the lower tier of this company are capable of doing to someone else.”

Melissa stares at her, listening to every word while keeping her mouth shut.

“Look, I am not saying that these you have fought aren’t talented. And you allowed someone like Jessie to outsmart you this past Sunday. And you know why??”

Melissa stares at Kat, curious what she is going to say next. But one thing is for sure, she isn’t going to like it.

“You got overconfident Mel, granted. You had Jessie literally in the palm of your hand the other day. And what happened this past Sunday?? You allowed your guard to be dropped and she literally let you bite the dust.”

Melissa is about to react to Kat’s statement, telling her that she was wrong. That Jessie got lucky and that it wouldn’t happen next time. But she decides to keep her mouth shut, because she realizes that she would be making another capital mistake if she even dared to believe those words. Inwardly she curses at herself, wanting to punch something out of frustration… But she refuses to give in.

“How do I change all of this Kat?”

She asks with a sigh, she knows she has to change something in order to keep her composure against a seasoned veteran like Mercedes. Her head snaps upwards as she feels a hand touching her shoulder, causing her to break free from her own inner thoughts as she stares into the eyes of the Bombshell Roulette champion.

“I will teach you, but first?? You and I are going to spar a little.”

Melissa nods her head, allowing herself to finally smile as she actually was looking forward to spar a little with Kat. She knew that this would help her get her focus back again and perhaps learn something about her fellow Saviors stable member for their encounter for the title on the cruise ship later on.


June 15 2010

A young Melissa is studying, listening to some music as she hums along with some Coldplay, she turns around on her back as she keeps the book high above her head in an attempt to learn the material for her exams. Suddenly the door opens as the family dog enters the room and quickly jumps up on her bed, startling her for a moment before bursting out in laughter.

“Damnit Jimmy, you shouldn’t sneak up on me like that!”

The small Jack Russel barks in excitement as it is shaking its tail and is trying to give Melissa a lick or two, but her long arms prevents it from reaching her face as it desperately tries to reach. She quickly sits up, starts to cuddle with the dog for a moment before getting up and takes the dog back to the stairs as to take it back downstairs.

”Score that damn goal!!!!”

Melissa hears her father screaming at the television, clearly he has been watching another football game(soccer). Melissa sits down at the edge of the stairs, listening to her father shout and rant along as clearly things aren’t going his way.

“Let’s hope that he had not put any money on the game Jimmy.”

Says Melissa as she is rubbing the dogs belly, understanding now why it had ran up the stairs and towards her bedroom. The dog always got scared when her father got this way, being very sensitive to loud noises caused it always to run towards her. She knew the dog always enjoyed her company as she was always nice to him, maybe too nice as she sometimes spoiled it a little bit too much at times. But she couldn’t help it, she loved the dog and it always made her smile by doing something ridiculous.

“I knew I shouldn’t have placed that bet on this stinking team!!!”

This answered Melissa’s earlier question, even though she had already known that her father was once again betting on something in the hope of one day making a quick big buck. But so far he failed more often than getting that big time payday. She sighs as she slowly gets up to her feet and walks back to her bedroom. Closing the door behind her as she allowed Jimmy to stay in her bedroom.

“Okay Jimmy, you can stay for the night. But you have to get inside your basket okay??”

She watches the dog happily jump out of her hands and walks over to his basket, circling around inside it for a few times before slowly falling in sleep. She smiled, wishing that everything else in life would have been this easy. Only to turn her attention back to her study book as she sighs.

“I guess it’s time to study again.”

Melissa drops on her bed, grabs the book that she was studying from and places her headset back on her head as she immediately starts to bob her head when hearing a classic George Michael song.

“Melissa?? Did Jimmy run into your room???”

Her father can be heard on the other side of the door as he had knocked on her door before talking to her. This caused her to sigh as she paused the music

“He is here dad, want me to bring him downstairs again???”

There’s a moment of silence on the other side of the door, she knew that her father had come to the conclusion that he had scared the dog. He had always loved Jimmy, causing it to make it even harder for him as he realized that these reactions scared the dog. She hears him softly cry as he slowly walks off, telling her that the Jimmy could stay with her for now. She looks down at Jimmy, who is looks up at her from his basket while wiggling his tail..

“Don’t you worry little fellow, daddy will be alright.”

Jimmy barks with excitement before starting to play with a toy inside of his basket while Melissa goes back to study.

Present day

“Can we have a dog dad??!!”

Goth’s son is screaming as he and Melissa had taken him to a dog breeder, Gerrit Jr. immediately runs over to a nest of Labrador pups as he quickly locks a small black lab in his arms that he thought was the cutest. Goth and Melissa can be seen standing at the doorway, smiling at the scene in front of them as Melissa puts her head onto his chest.

“Doesn’t that look cute Gerrit??”

Goth can be seen nodding, giving Melissa a kiss on the forehead as they had been talking about buying a dog for his son’s birthday. Realizing that they wouldn’t always be at home as they are now both travelling together that a companion for his son would be a good distraction for him. Gerrit Jr. had been constantly asking what the surprise was since Goth had told him that he and Melissa had one for him. They even had to blindfold him to be sure that he wouldn’t find out before stepping foot inside the kennel. But the sounds of dogs barking had already given away what the surprise would be.

“This one is so cute dad!! Can I have it?? Please???”

Goth’s son turns his eyes towards him, lifting the small pup in his hands as the little dog was yelping happily as it wiggles it’s tail.

“How can I possibly say no to that Melissa??”

He whispers into her ear before telling his son that if that was the dog he wants, that he can have it. Melissa watches Goth and his son walk off to the dog breeder himself to handle the paper work. Melissa then turns her attention to the other pups in the nest as she saw a small light brown haired pup in the corner of the nest as it is snuggled up to his mother. This caused her heart to melt as she kneels down and watches the small dog and its mother.

“My aren’t you an adorable sight??”

She says with a loving smile on her face, admiring the beautiful sight before sighing. Closing her eyes as she remembers her own dog when she was younger, the happiness that the dog had given her made her want one for herself once more. But she knew that she couldn’t take care of one if she wasn’t home much, but the joy that it would bring Goth’s son would be enough for her.

“I wish Gerrit Jr, would have picked you beautiful, but I think your mother would have something to say about that.”

She runs her fingers across the back of the pup’s head as its eyes are still closed, smiling as the pup is slightly changes his position so that Melissa could caress it better.

“There is room left for a brother or sister Melissa.”

Says Goth as Melissa turns around and sees him standing behind her with his son next to him. The look on her face tells him that she had not expected that from him.

“What are you saying??”

Goth chuckles as he slowly lowers next to her, staring at the small pup as he turns his attention back towards Melissa.

“What I am saying is that I agree that a dog to play with for my son is a great idea, but our house is rather big for just one pup. But after seeing you two dog lovers drool over these dogs made me realize that one isn’t enough.”

His words causes Melissa’s smile to grow before wrapping her arms around his neck and kisses him on the cheek as she whispers thank you into his ear. She slowly pulls away and turns back towards the pup and smiles.

“I think we will be good friends for a very long time.”

She slowly rises as she, Goth and his son walk off as the camera moves back towards the pup before fading out slowly.

The next step in my career

Melissa is seen doing sit-ups in an empty gym, focused as she stares past the camera into the void. She does some more sit-ups before sitting up and grabbing the bottle of water next to her. Splashing some of the water across her face before taking a long sip of water before placing it back on the ground next to her before wiping the sweat from her face with the back of her hand.

“Hello everybody, welcome back to the world of Melissa.”

She gives a wink to the camera as her focus is slowly fading, she slowly gets up to her feet and walks over towards the bend with her towel. She stares at herself in the mirror, feeling quite impressed with her physique, admiring her muscles as she flexes them in front of the mirror for a few moments. She wraps the towel around her neck as she turns around and stares over her shoulder to her back. Nodding in approval as she turns her focus back on the camera.

“You like what you are seeing??”

She giggles as she can tell that the cameraman is feeling awkward by her small flirting, she shakes her head and sighs.

“Seeing that I finished my workout I have time for you people to express my appreciation.”

She turns her head towards the camera, showing a more serious look on her face.

“That’s right, I said appreciation. I know, that is something you wouldn’t expect from some of the superstars or Bombshells that this company possesses. But it’s true, because I realize that I am still nothing more than a rookie. A rookie that has got a mentor that has got the knowledge of this sport that not many possesses. He has been a wrestler on and off for over 20 years…, someone that has done it all and sees it all…..”

“the only question I have is, how much can you learn in your preparation for someone that is as much of a veteran like Goth? Someone that has done it all and seen it all just like him… like Mercedes Vargas.”

She turns silent after uttering the name of the legendary Bombshell, who has done so much in Sin City Wrestling, but also beyond. Someone that she knew would be one of her opponents in the Bombshell title match at the Summer XXXTReme cruise ship. She knew that she would one day face someone that is far more superior to her past two opponents. She just didn’t expected it to happen so soon, making her wonder whether she would be ready for someone like Mercedes.

“I have to admit, when the card came up. I was both surprised and excited. Surprised, merely because you would have expect that they would keep the wrestlers separated from who those who will be participating alongside yourself. But ultimately the excitement got the better of me….”

“Just imagine that you are a young talented ball player, playing your first ever game in the big leagues of the NBA. And your first challenger is the greatest of all time?? Now I have seen a pattern of my past two opponents, telling me that I would not know how I would be able to combat those who have the experience at their side and try to convince me that they could overcome everything that I bring. Now we all know how desperate the two prior in my confrontations ultimately have done to succeed. Which is non-existence so to speak. Because there was no doub inside etheir brains that I would lose, experience equals victory isn’t it not???”

Melissa shakes her head, clearly not believing the words that she used to in an attempt to capture the listening fans imagination, because she knew she would not have so much luck with her opponent.

“Look at me, I’m at it for merely five minutes and already the expectation is driving my nerves to go sky high. Just imagine how my nerves would be the first few seconds that we will be standing face to face inside that six sided ring. Excitement that could have solely two options when it comes down to having me facing someone so much better….. Either I get excited, or ultimately very disappointed. And don’t worry, before you all going to start and scream out the obvious??? I am going to explain why before I will amaze you with so much more that I got to offer.”

“Because let’s face it, excitement always turns into disappointment, no matter how hard you try to conceal it. And you know why??”

She shrugs her shoulders, as if to say that she couldn’t believe that nobody could see the obvious thing that she was seeing.

“No matter how hard you seem to grasp reality of something, or in this case someone’s legacy. It ultimately crumble underneath your feet. Because lets face it, if the woman that is Mercedes Vargas, then why in the hell did she needed to qualify for a championship belt. A championship belt that what I have been told by Goth, is a championship belt that is reserved for those who are at the beginning of their careers, a championship belt that is a test case for wrestlers that aren’t ready yet to make that next step in their careers?? A championship belt that the management known for its constant threat of the unknown, not knowing what you have to endure to win a match to keep the belt…. The mere fact that this grand slam champion has to endure this level of uncertainty…. Makes me wonder what has happened to her legacy that she has fallen down to the level of those who dare to look up instead of having to look down.”

“I am sure that you will take a different approach Mercedes.
That no matter what, it is a championship belt. And the greatness that you are doesn’t concern itself with whether it is championship A, or B or C. As long as you get the spotlight once again shining brightly upon you… just like it did when you were fortunate enough for Goth to ask you to be his partner. For one it was the opportunity to prove to the world that he still had what it took to be a champion, while for the other it was just another opportunity o get a payday… wasn’t it not Mercedes??”

Melissa shakes her head, letting disbelief coming over her.

“Now I know that it is nothing more than an opinion, something that I am entitled to have isn’t it not?? Something that only concerns the one that expresses it, namely myself… And the one that it is addressed towards. And that’s you, but opinions are the easiest things to be swapped aside as if they were pesky bugs isn’t it?? Opinions do not matter is often used by those who disagree, but I am sure that you will sigh and shake your head. Realizing that another rookie is just telling the world what she wants to believe, that it has no impact upon you and that you will teach me a lesson…. Goodie, another instructor that I can cause to have their heads spin around faster than the classic Exorcist movie. Too bad for you Mercedes, that my opinion bears much more weight on the truth because I got to watch it up and close personally, I have seen the mere fact behind the curtains that it wasn’t YOU that ultimately brought glory to the team of you and Goth…. But it was YOU that brought shame when YOU lost the belts at the very first title defense that you and Goth had…”

“Now I know, I know what you must be thinking. Interesting concept Melissa, but what does that got to do with a rookie’s chances in beating a veteran like you?? Good question and I will get to that eventually, all you need to do is show some restrain and be patient.”

She winks at the camera before focusing towards the mirror once again as she empties the bottle of water.

“It’s quite simple if you think of it, so please take notes Mercedes. Or else you will be opening shows very soon by facing the likes of Jessie Salco. You see, unlike you being forced to wrestle the same names like me. I am facing them, in the hope of rising up towards a level so that I do not have to look down again… While with your downward spiral of a career, it will be the ultimate embarrassment that you got to live with until you decide to retire. Now am I saying that every Bombshell that is in this Roulette title division someone that is stuck in limbo?? Of course not, look at Kat for instance. She is the best example I can give you, she is the one that holds the title. Whom already has defended it successfully and is currently in the main event status of this weeks show… a level that I intend to exceed and who knows, perhaps even dare to surpass?? You see what the difference is between you and me?? The mere thought that I am staring at the sunlight of greater things and you into the dark pits of being a disgrace. Makes me wonder, are you that delusional?? Or are you just addicted to it? In the hope of one day get that final energy boost of greatness that ultimately ends up to be your overdose??”

“And before everyone is going to say the obvious and stupid comment that I am wishing her suffer to an addiction like Goth had gone through?? You really to check your ignorant minds before wasting my time with profanity. Because I am seeing someone that used to be at the same level of respect as my fiancé. Who ultimately came back because he didn’t wanted his career to end the same way that Mercedes her career is directed towards. That he knows that there is still one final world title reign left in him, that there is still one or more great iconic matches left in him… While YOU??”

Melissa shakes her head and sighs.

“My words may be harsh, my words are maybe non deserving to the legacy of your career. But at least I know from my past as a kickboxer, that how terrible it is to slide down from the ranks of what you were used to be on a regular basis. To see others, often younger competitors just like me knocking at your door and surpass you. While you are struggling to keep up, every now and then earning victories to give your confidence another boost. Just like I have seen that you have been on a winning streak just like me… good for you Mercedes, there’s nothing like that feeling that nobody can touch you.”

Melissa suddenly does a series of quick punches in the air directed towards the camera, causing it to quickly back off as the fists came a little bit too close to the lens. Melissa’s smiles as she snaps her head from left to right before turning her focus back on the camera.

“I am not going to make the mistake that my past two opponents have made, telling me that they will beat me. The only thing that I am going to say Mercedes, that I want to beat you. I want to beat you in a way that makes you wake up from what kingdom from the sky that you think you will grace us with every single week. Because the reality is that I want to beat you. Whether I kick the taste out of your mouth or that I will put you down on the canvas with my ground attack. It will all come down to one thing, that I want to beat you. That I am the next in I am sure an equal long list of defeats as you have in victories…. Like I already said, you have beaten people on a weekly basis for a while now. That’s great, because that means that when I beat you, you hear that Mercedes?? I said when, not if… but when I beat you, I will know that I have beaten someone that means more to me and my career than the two I have already beaten.”

“And that doesn’t mean I don’t respect and appreciate the efforts of the two young girls, but from the line of sports where I came from it means so much more by beating a woman… a lady, because we can all kick some girls asses and walk away as if it was nothing. No Mercedes, I want the very best that you claim to be. To have your head hanging on my wall as a trophy of some sorts will make it all worth it by beating a woman that unlike her past three victories is on a downward spiral.”

She slowly gets up to her feet, stares at the camera and shakes her head.

“Just whatever you do and say, please don’t disappoint just me but also yourself by telling me that I am wrong. Don’t disappoint me by telling me the obvious that you will teach me a lesson. Because those words mean that you do not respect who I am and what I stand for. Because I stand for those who can accomplish so much by working hard and believing in themselves. Because that is what I stand for, to prove to myself and to my fiancé that I do belong. And I know, don’t let his kind and supportive words fool you. I know that he still has some doubts in his mind whether I belong here. Whether my two wins is a positive sign that I belong in the same ring with people like them and you… before that I move on to bigger fish that actually make headlines and do not repeat themselves like they did ten years ago. Because that’s what you are, stuck in the past. Why don’t you just call up the mean girls and have a final reunion or some sorts. Because there’s always a group of people that will cheer for a nostalgia pop…. Not me Mercedes, I am one punch, one kick or one submission away from sending you to Summer XXXTReme a broken and battered Bombshell that you are… and those victories in a row does not hide the mental and physical scars that are clearly showing underneath the thick layers of makeup and lies. But you will find that out eventually this coming Sunday.”

Melissa walks to the door to exit the gym before turning around and stares at the camera for the final time.

“I hope you will admire the handy work that I will bring to the dance this Sunday Mercedes. Because when I am done with you, I will turn you into a masterpiece for the final time…. Because I will capture you in a way that will allow people to remember you forever and talk about you upon the same level as the Mona Lisa. Ending your career on a high note when I beat you into an early retirement… until Sunday Mercedes… until Sunday…,”

With that Melissa walks through the doorway as the shot slowly fades.