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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Keira Fisher on December 17, 2020, 09:58:22 PM

Title: Peace Time
Post by: Keira Fisher on December 17, 2020, 09:58:22 PM
The scene opens up a few minutes after Climax Control went off the air. We see Keira helping Roxi into their locker room, mostly to make sure Roxi was ok. Keira was holding in her anger for just as long as she could. As she got Roxi to sit. She steps away from her. She then grabs a full water bottle and throws it as hard as she could, making it hit the wall hard. It splashes all around as Keira looks at the wall

Roxi: I'm sorry

Keira: I don't blame you.

Keira clenches her fist

Keira: I blame Andrea.

Roxi: I should have seen it coming, I allowed it to be ruined and I'm sorry about that.

Keira: Baby. It's not your fault. We were in the heat of battle. We didn't hold back.

Keira sighs

Keira: Andrea is at fault for this. Cause of her. I got a tainted victory. One I don't want

Roxi: I'm glad it's over though. I loved that match and you proved a lot out there, regardless of how it ended

Keira goes to say something, but stops. She was right. The two were able to not hold back to a degree. Keira the says with a smirk

Keira: Too bad we couldn't go fully all out without exposing ourselves

Roxi: It's not what we do. You know that.

Keira: I know. We would need a empty island to do that

Roxi: Maybe one day

Keira: But for now...

Keira goes over to Roxi, a little bit more calmer than she was before. She softly sits on Roxi's lap and leans in close to her

Keira: How about I tend to your wounds...

Roxi: I'll be okay. Just a little blood.

Keira: You sure?

Keira leans in, softly kissing Roxi on the lips. She grabs some pads to wipe off the blood as well

Roxi: Yeah It's already shrinking. Just need a moment or two.

Keira: How about three?

Keira leans down slowly, kissing her neck a bit, more so to soothe Roxi a bit

Keira: I think you need a bit more... medical attention

Roxi: Keira...

Keira: Yes?

Roxi: Behave yourself.

Keira playfully slaps Roxi on the shoulder

Keira: You're no fun.

Keira slowly stands up as she looks at Roxi

Keira: Despite all that's happened. I wanted to ease the tension for once

Roxi: It's fine. It's eased. I'm glad it's over. Now we don't have to worry about fighting each other for a while

Keira: Yea. Now we have a new Andrea

Roxi: Andrea is my problem, not yours.

Keira: I believe it was you that said and I quote...

Keira clears her throat

Keira: "The World Bombshell Champion has the biggest target on her back, always. "

Keira takes a deep breath

Keira: That means anyone can be coming for me. Especially when it comes to you. Andrea is not your problem. It's our problem, especially when it comes to my title.

Roxi: No. Crystal already beat Andrea. And Andrea went after ME. Not you. Andrea is all mine. You will have other challengers in front of you and if you focus on one, you leave yourself open for another.

Keira: I know. But until I find out who challenges me. I have to treat this like the world is ready to fight me.

All of a sudden, Keira gets a notification on her phone. She looks and smirks a bit

Keira: A Champion never rests

Keira turns her phone to Roxi to show her.

Keira: Mercedes is next.

Roxi: Well there you go. Worry about her, not Andrea.

Keira: Yea. Kinda glad my title isn't on the line right now

Roxi: Don't tell me you're not prepared

Keira: I am. But not tonight. I'm exhausted

Keira sighs a little bit

Keira: I'll be ready for Mercedes. Hell, she's the reason I'm even in this spot to begin with

Keira finally sits beside Roxi, saying

Keira: Tonight, I just want to spend the rest of the night with my former challenger

Roxi: Is that what I am? A challenger?

Keira: Before, you were my wife, a mother to our child and the best woman in the world. After, you go back to being my wife, mother and the most perfect woman in my life.

Keira leans in, kissing Roxi

Roxi: Uh huh

Keira: Baby, you know you're not just a challenger. You know that

Roxi: Well I don't know anymore, that all you called me all last week. Like it was my name.

Keira: I was focused. I'm sorry

Keira lowers her head

Keira: You always told me to focus and not get distracted. I took your words to heart

Keira places her head on Roxi's shoulder

Keira: Just like how I'm going to be focused this week when it comes to Mercedes. I still have a lot to prove. One is to make sure they're not dealing with the same old Keira.

Roxi: All is forgiven.

Keira: Thank you.

All of a sudden, Roxi slowly sits up and sits on Keira's lap softly

Keira: Hi...

Roxi: I'm proud of you.

Keira: Thank you

Keira sees Roxi leaning in. The two begin to kiss each other on the lips

Keira: Roxi....

Roxi: Sorry.

Roxi slowly stands up and sits back down next to Keira.

Roxi: I love you.

Keira: I love you too.

Keira then gets closer to Roxi, seductively saying

Keira: But I didn't tell you to behave yourself...

Keira leans in, kissing Roxi as the two roll off to the floor, the scene fading


The scene opens up two days later as Keira begins to get her gear ready for a patrol. It had been quiet since the battle with Sin and Keira was itching to get back out there, least to do some training on the side.

Keira: Strange that crime has been quiet lately

As Keira finishes up, Roxi enters and gets to the closet herself for her gear

Keira: Oh? Thought I was going solo today. Come to join me?

Roxi: Well, if you don't want me to...

Keira: I never said that. Be good for us to get out and check the place. Been too quiet lately

Roxi: Just figured you may need my help, Unless the champ is too good these days.

Keira: Ouch. You wounded me. I may never heal from that burn

Roxi: Just making sure you keep your feet on the ground.

Keira: I am. I haven't grown a ego yet. I've seen what the title does to people

Keira then quickly says

Keira: Except you. Of course

Roxi: Good.

Keira: That part of our lives we leave in the past. This is a new beginning

Keira goes to the window and smiles

Keira: After you, Lady Bedlam

Roxi: Alright, let's go.

The two fly out of the window and begin to look over the city to make sure no crime is happening

Roxi: It has been a while since we were out like this.

Keira: If we don't count Sin trying to merge worlds

As the two fly, Keira smiles a bit

Keira: Remember our first patrol together? I was the rookie and you were my trainer?

Roxi: I do.

Keira: I was so impatient...

Keira and Roxi slowly land on the rooftop that shows a bank across the street as Keira says

Keira: I thought I could take on the world back then.

Roxi: You were young and inexperienced. We all screw up when we're young and inexperienced

Keira: I know. Vision told me the stories during downtimes on solo patrols

Keira looks at Roxi

Keira: Like how you would go in, head first with no powers, trying to--

Roxi places a hand over Keira's mouth

Roxi: Yes, I was young and inexperienced. I made plenty of mistakes.

Keira: Enough to give me a run for my money.

Keira turns back to the bank, saying

Keira: But, I do miss those days. Just a regular, normal, boring patrol

Keira keeps a eye out on the bank as Roxi comes up from behind. She places a arm around Keira

Roxi: It's always good when it's quiet

Keira: It is, isn't it?

Keira turns as she looks at Roxi

Keira: Why, if I didn't know better. I'd say you were trying to swoon me, Lady Bedlam

Roxi: You mean... make you swoon? Or do you mean seduce?

Keira: Seduce and yes. It's working

Roxi gives a sigh as she says

Roxi: I'm not trying to seduce you, we're on patrol.

Keira: I know. Just killing time. Least it's not me sitting, waiting and me complaining.

All of a sudden, the bank's alarm goes off as the two look down

Keira: Is it bad that I miss that sound?

Roxi: A little concerning

Keira: Duty calls

The two fly down as they land beside the front door of the bank. Keira looks at Roxi as she waits for the signal

Roxi: Look at you, showing patience...

Keira: Learned from the best. On your mark, LB

Roxi closes her eyes and begins counting and concentrating in her head, and then points at the door.

Roxi: And... go.

Keira nods as the two crash through the glass, in front of the running robbers. They back away quickly as Keira and Roxi look at them

Keira: Hi, I heard the circus was in town. Cause I see a few clowns!

Robber #1: Shit! Supers!

Roxi: You were... expecting someone else?

Keira: Maybe their friends?

Robber #2: S-Shut up! We can take you!

Roxi: I'm sure.

The second robber charges at Roxi, but easily gets smacked and knocked down

Keira: Oh yeah, you sure showed us

Roxi: Are you guys done?

The first robber screams as he fires the gun at Keira. For a moment, Keira back's away after the shot, worrying Roxi. But Keira is shown, not hit, but having the bullet caught between her two fingers. She shakes her head at this

Keira: LB, are they boring?

Roxi: A Little.

Keira drops the bullet and rushes towards the first robber. She lightly punches him in the stomach, making him fall to the ground and knocked out

Keira: Wow. That was easy

Roxi: Now... we can do this the easy way and you come quietly, or the hard way, where you don't walk away from this.

Keira: Oh, please choose the hard way....

Roxi: Well, they are dumb.

Robber #2: No! We won't be done in by Supers!

Keira smirks as she looks at Roxi. She basically knew the answer already. But she asks

Keira: Arm or legs?

Roxi: I wouldn't do that....

Keira: Oh? Got a better idea?

As Keira asks, the robber pulls a knife out and rushes towards Keira. Keira turns and quickly grabs his arm. She squeezes his arm, making him drop the knife. She then kicks him between the legs lightly, making him scream and fall into the fetal position. Keira turns to Roxi, saying

Keira: Ok, that was too much on my end. My fault

Robber #2: D-Damn you, Supers. Why do you...owww.

Roxi: Because folks like you wanna rob banks, that's why

Keira sighs as she grabs the two robbers and drags them out. She sees the police and throws them at the police

Keira: Two idiots for the slammer. Be careful with the second one. He's got a bruised ego

Roxi facepalms over this as the two fly off. They land on the rooftop as Roxi places a hand on Keira's shoulder. Keira asks

Keira: Bad pun?

Roxi: Very

Keira: Coming from the Bad Pun Champion of the world

Roxi then lightly slaps Keira on the shoulder as Keira giggles a bit

Keira: Ok, ok. I deserved that

Roxi: I don't think we need to bring up puns at this point.

Keira: How come? I'm very punny

Keira giggles, but all of a sudden, Roxi takes Keira's arms and pins them to the wall

Keira: Was it something I said?

Roxi: Sometimes it is.

Keira: Well, what are you going to do about it?

Roxi: Nothing, Like I said before, you're in the deep end now.

Keira: Shocking. Considering I'm all pinned down, at your mercy, Bedlam.

Keira does a soft giggle. She leans in and softly kisses Roxi on the lips

Keira: Going to be honest. I needed this. Even if the patrol was light

Roxi: I know

Keira: After all the Hell we went through. In the ring, out of it. This patrol felt like more of a date.

Roxi: Something like that, I guess

Keira smiles as Roxi lets her go. She goes and holds Roxi

Keira: I will train in a day or two for Mercedes. You don't have to worry about that. I'm focused. But for right now. I just want to enjoy this. This time with the most wonderful woman in the world

Roxi: Yeah? Who is she and how come you never told me about her?

Keira: Cause I'm staring at her right now

Roxi: Uh huh...

Keira smiles as she takes off Roxi's mask. She takes off her own as she kisses Roxi on the lips.

Keira: Proof enough?

Roxi: I suppose

Keira takes her hand and slaps Roxi on the butt

Keira: How about now?

Roxi: Alright, alright, let's go.

Roxi puts her mask back on to avoid detection. Keira does the same as the two fly off. Meanwhile in a office. A familiar woman is seen sitting in her chair, looking outside the big windows. One of her scientists is seen coming in, asking

Scientist: Y-you wanted to see me, Miss Hamilton?

Heather: Yes. How is the project going?

Scientist: It's having a few problems. I don't know if we can have it ready by the timeline you asked for--

Heather: I want it ready by at least March or earlier at the least! I want those Supers to pay for interfering with my plans, especially Lady Kat!

Scientist: Don't you think doing this project is going too far?

Heather turns and looks at the scientist, screaming

Heather: I don't pay you to have a damn opinion. I pay you to MAKE DAMN SURE LADY KAT PAYS! DO YOU UNDERSTAND!?

Scientist: Yes, Miss Hamilton! I'm sorry.

The scientist rushes off as Heather turns back to the window, saying

Heather: Enjoy whatever time you have left, Lady Kat. Cause soon, my new project will finish you...FOR GOOD!

The scene fades on that


The scene opens in the gym as Keira was seen exiting the ring. She had done some heavy training for her match with Mercedes this week. She takes some small steps to the door, frowning a little bit. Even though it had been a so-so week. Keira can't shake the feeling, especially worrying about the ones she loves. As she goes through the door, she instead enters the control room. She goes over to the big computer and sits in her chair. She turns it on to get hold of Vision as she asks

Keira: Come in, do you copy, V?

Vision: Yea, I can. What's up, Keira?

Keira: Nothing. I wanted to check up and see if there's anything going on in the city.

Vision: Sadly, no. Even with yours and Roxi's Patrols a few days ago, in terms of crime, nothing truly major. Just the robbers, that's it.

Keira lowers her head a bit as Vision asks

Vision: Are you ok, Keira?

Keira: Not really. I know she's ok, but I'm still worried about Jenny.

Vision: I know you are. You're got a heart of gold. I will give you that. But Jenny is fine. I do have a report of when Jenny will have the surgery of her new synthetic eye.

Keira smiles a little bit over this. She then asks

Keira: Really? When's the date?

Vision: It would be best if I tell you when I tell Jenny and Roxi at the same time.

Keira: Ok, I'll get Jenny on a call here and call Roxi down here.

Keira turns and goes to her communicator. She then says

Keira: Baby, can you come down here please?

Roxi: I'm on my way.

Keira smiles as she turns off the communicator and turns back to the screen. Roxi is seen coming out of the elevator as Keira finally gets ahold of Jenny. Jenny is seen on a separate window beside Vision's window. Roxi sits down, asking

Roxi: Ok, what's going on? Anything bad going down,

Vision? Vision: Not this time, Roxi. All's good on the crime tracker for now. But I wanted everyone here for this.

Jenny: Seriously? I was relaxing for once. What is so important that I get called in?

Keira: Nice to see you too, Jen.

Jenny sighs as Vision says

Vision: Sorry, Jenny. But like I said, news so important. I thought I'd share it with everyone.

Jenny: Ok? What's up?

Vision pulls out a folder and sits it down. He opens it as he reads aloud so everyone can hear.

Vision: The GUILD have made a decision regarding Lady Kat's request on surgery for Jenny Tuck's new Synthetic Eye. Normally as you know, this would be a violation of the rules. But considering all that has happened, including the GUILD's role of the extraction of Sin, which went wrong as well as Lady Kat's multiple world saving occasions. We have granted her one freebie before. But due to all that's happened. We have granted permission to Lady Kat to have Jenny Tuck get a new, Synthetic Eye with anything she desires in it.

Jenny smiles a lot at this as Vision continues.

Vision: The date has been set for December 23rd for the surgery for Jenny Tuck to recieve her new eye.

Jenny: My God. Thank you, V.

Vision: Anytime, Jenny. Like Keira said before. You have donated alot to help GUILD Research. So that helped out as well, but more so, they felt responsible for what has happened to you as well.

Jenny: I don't blame them. Sin has been a nightmare for all of us for years. Like I told Keira. If given the choice to fight her again and lose more than a eye. I would do it again in a heartbeat.

Keira: Jenny...

Jenny: I'm sorry, Keira. But you know it's true. It doesn't matter anymore. My fight is finally over. After this surgery, I will continue to donate to the GUILD for further research. I can finally be what I wanted to be. A retired mother. I'll still have my finger on the finances, of course. But from now on, in the comfort of my own home.

Keira: That's fine, Jen.

Roxi: Understandable.

Vision: To be honest, you're doing enough with the donations. Still, thank you again, Jenny. Our doctors will be in contact with you within the hour.

Jenny: Ok, then. See you later, Keira, Roxi.

Keira: See you later, Jen.

The monitor turns off as Keira turns to Roxi, smiling.

Keira: Looks like things are looking up for us.

Roxi: For now.

Keira: Yea, I still need to be ready for Mercedes this week. A champion's work is never done. But at least for now, we can count this as part of our peace time.

Roxi smiles at this.

Roxi: To 2021, My love.

Keira: To 2021 and beyond.

Keira and Roxi smile as the scene fades.


Like the story of my life. As soon as it goes really good, it all goes down south sooner or later.

Last week, I had the biggest chance of my entire career. The one chance to finally settle once and for all, who was the better in Team Hero. Me or Roxi? It was for the World Bombshell Championship. The stage was set, the mood was right. Every punch, every kick and every wrestling move we did. We made sure we blew the roof off of the place!

But as we were seeing. Someone ruined that for me. Andrea, you bitch. You ruined the one chance I had to see who was better between me and Roxi. You ruined the ONE CHANCE I HAD TO SEE WHO WAS BETTER! Sure, I won and all.

But it was a tainted victory.

You knew it was tainted, you basically admitted it! My one chance and you ruined it. As much as I want to make sure you pay for it. I'm going to take my own wife's advice and let her handle it.

I'm the World Bombshell Champion. Title defense or no title defense. A champion never rests. I am still learning that day by day as I hold the championship. I know I felt that before when I was Bombshell Roulette Champion. But this is different. This is the top of the mountain. Everyone wants a piece of that mountain. As a certain someone said once before.

"If you're not in this business to become Champion, then you're in the wrong business!"

That's why I have to keep getting better. Be stronger and be more focused than ever before. Cause sooner or later, someone will step up to take this from me. But for this week, I'm fine for now. But it doesn't mean I can't let my guard down either.

Take for example. This week, I face off against a woman I know all too well, especially all this year. A woman who has legit be on and off in terms of her win-loss record in terms of 2020. A woman who hasn't been able to beat me YET this year, whether it be in singles OR in tag matches!

Yet at the same time. I still think she's afraid of me. Ever since the whole Sin incident. I still wouldn't blame her either. Yea, I'm talking about Mercedes Vargas.

Now I could see this as a easy write off for me. But in terms of the entire Sin incident. Mercedes has been more vicious, more deadly than she was in the past. So even before it, easy or not. I can't lose my focus on Mercedes. If I do, that's it. She'll get not only a win over me, but a huge, easy win over me. She would be one step closer to becoming the Number One Contender to the World Bombshell Championship.

I can't let that happen. I won't let that happen. Granted, I can't choose who goes after my Championship, win or lose. But I got to prove to Mercedes and everyone in that locker room that I won't be so easy to take down. Title or Non Title!

But going back to being one step closer to getting a shot at the World Bombshell Championship. It's funny now that I look back at it, despite it being a month or two ago. The last time we fought, Mercedes, you and I were in different positions. I was trying to see if I even had a job after the match and you, well, you were trying to get a win over me. The end result, just like the last few times you fought me. You failed to get the job done. But funny how a win over you would lead to something that would change the course of my wrestling career.

I suppose I have to thank you, Mercedes. After that, Mark and Christian gave me a shot at the one title I wanted since coming to SCW. I had finally earned it. Because of you, Mercedes. Because of you, I was one step closer at that time to becoming Champion. Also because of you, Mercedes, I fought in the greatest match of my career. Because of you, I finally became World Bombshell Champion!

All of this in the span of almost two months. You were basically the door I needed to open to start my path to becoming Champion. So thank you, Mercedes. Thank you from the bottom of my big heart.

But that's where it ends.

Cause now, here we are again. But things are vastly different than they were last time. Now I'm the World Bombshell Champion. I'm on top of the mountain in SCW! You? You're trying to get a shot at me. What better way to do that than to face me in battle. You're trying to get a foothold back into relevancy and recapture whatever glory you had in your heyday. Yea, yea. Over a year since you held a Singles Championship in SCW. A title I held Five Years Ago. You had contender matches like I did. But you would love to get back on top of that mountain, wouldn't you?

Try to beat me in this match, get one step closer to getting a title shot so you can try to do it again, but come out the champion in the future? That's the plan, isn't it? Here's the thing about all of that.

When was the last time you beat me? Oh, yea. I did mention that earlier, didn't I? You haven't this year! Tag matches? LOSER! Singles Matches? LOSER! You think you're going to close out 2020, one of the worst years in the history of the human race by finally beating me when you couldn't all year? Answer, NOPE!

But I know it won't be easy either. You're still fuming over the loss to Candy. So knowing you're facing her best friend must make your blood boil as well. Don't worry, Mercedes. Considering all we've been through. I have seen us as becoming Very Best Friends! Best friends that beat the living shit out of each other. But best friends none the less!

But with all that aside.

Every match is now the most important match of my career. I got done facing my first challenger for my Championship. Now I have to see who will jump up and take me on. I got to see who will become my next challenger. Can you get the job done Mercedes? Can you finally beat me and be one step closer?

Not if I have anything to say about it.

But don't let that stop you from bringing your best. Don't hold back against me this Sunday at Climax Control. Let's make sure this horrible year ends with a bang! But I can promise you this. 2020 won't end differently for you with a win over me. Some things have to stay the same, with 2020 ending for you with another loss in your column, by me.

See you soon.


The Champ.