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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Supercard Archives => Topic started by: Mark Ward on May 23, 2020, 11:35:38 PM

Title: Jack Russow V Kedron Williams
Post by: Mark Ward on May 23, 2020, 11:35:38 PM
 Post all roleplays for this match here.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week, 10,000 max

Good luck!
Title: Jack Russow V Kedron Williams
Post by: Son of Salem on June 04, 2020, 04:37:14 PM


A Grimoire, or to the majority of those with some semblance of familiarity with the occult -- a Book of Shadows -- is perhaps the single most important totem in a witch’s life. Of course, to most, they are only familiar with the term through ridiculous Hollywood bastardized accounts of this life, such as Charmed or the film Practical Magic. But to the truest self, a Grimoire is so much more. To any witch, it is their life’s work. It is a potent textbook of magic, a collection of spells, rituals, potions and so very much more. Some contain summonings for entities such as angels, spirits, deities and demons.

Each one is different, unique, and the older they are? Generally the more powerful they are.

And to steal a witch’s most prized possession?

It is an act of war.

Las Vegas, Nevada -
Saxon Hotel Roof -

It comes as no surprise that we return here, to the Saxon Hotel where the vast majority of the combined rosters and staff of three worldwide promotions were staying in isolation for the betterment of themselves as well as their peers. The rest who did not feel the need or desire? Well one can’t account for personal selfishness. It was less than two weeks ago when Griffin had called on Kedron and Rinoa Williams about this meeting his old friend had requested, and Kedron was highly reluctant, and understandably so. For most, anger at a betrayal tends to fade over time. But when you were as old and as vindictive as Kedron Williams was? Anger tended to do more than subside; it festered. And Kedron was nothing, if not vindictive when it came to being wronged. And patient when it came to extracting revenge against the one who had wronged him.

Just ask Ben Jordan.

Which was why Kedron relented at Griffin’s request. And when Griffin had approached Kedron about meeting with Marquis Laveaux, this was where the “Son of Salem” had insisted their parley take place. Not for the personal comfort of Kedron’s own peers in SCW, as he had no true friends here to speak of. But it was because Kedron had called this place home for several weeks now, despite the fact he had a very large estate in his home of Salem, Massachusetts. Yet he stayed here at his wife’s behest. Marquis had not.

Advantage; Kedron.

And now night had fallen over the “City of Sin,” that being the only demand Marquis had for this meeting -- for reasons that were more than obvious. A demand that Kedron felt little to no reason in obstructing because he too had an affinity toward the night. The Saxon Rooftop Nightclub was simply a matter of comfort to all included. Never let it be said that Kedron wasn’t accommodating. Kedron was what one might describe as ‘old school’ in his preferences, but even he had to admit that the lounge was lovely and comforting. And the woman behind the bar made a mean ‘Bloody Mary.’ When he had ordered ahead of time, he had asked her to make it as spicy as she could, and her eyes practically lit up and she smiled, with “I love a challenge!”

And being the dutiful host, he had ordered two more drinks. A second Bloody Mary for Marquis (sarcastic symbolism), and a rather pungent beer for Griffin. Wait, Griffin? Ah yes, that was another ‘condition’ Kedron had for agreeing to this little meet up with his ancient ‘frienemy.’ Griffin was to be present to act as mediator.

There was a single table at this lounge, just large enough for four. It rested beside a rooftop fountain decorated with a small waterfall. It shielded the three seated to their privacy. Griffin and Kedron’s drinks were in hand and being partaken of. Marquis’s remained untouched. And there they sat, all three men -- in complete and total silence. Griffin fidgeted, almost feeling embarrassed at being caught between the rising tension between these two men who clearly had a loathing for one another. Neither Marquis nor Kedron spoke a word. Their eyes simply burned into one another, leaving Griffin in quite the discomforting circumstance.

Griffin picked up his drink once again, and prepared to take another sip. His eyes shifted to his left, and saw a cocky, almost condescending smirk on the face of the Warlock as a four-finger lined in heavily jeweled Rings trace the outline on the rim of his drink glass. He was leaning back in his chair, a picture model of relaxation despite the situation growing to be anything but. On the flip side, Marquis set rigid, stoic. His face was calm and impassive, but Griffin knew him well enough to know that he was festering deep inside. He simply would not allow Kedron to have the satisfaction of breaking his composure. Finally, it had grown to be too much. Not for Marquis or even Kedron, but for poor Griffin himself.

Griffin Hawkins: Well somebody SAY something!

Kedron Williams: Bottom feeder.

Griffin’s eyes opened a little wider at the first words spoken from Kedron in the direction of Marquis who sat there, the vampire giving no sign that the words directed towards him had any effect to break his emotional wall. Griffin cleared his throat.

Griffin Hawkins: That’s … that isn’t what I meant.

Kedron Williams: You're not looking so well my old friend. Now getting enough greens? You should eat more vegetarians.

And finally, the stony visage of Marquis broke, just a little, but not in the way that perhaps Kedron wanted or expected from his taunts. Rather than get angry, Marquis smiled.

Marquis Laveaux:  Still using your wife's eyeliner, I see.

And now it was Kedron’s turn to smile, perhaps pleased that Marquis had finally taken up the gauntlet he had thrown down.

Kedron Williams: I can tell this isolation is getting to you, Marquis. Your roots are coming in a lot darker.

Marquis smiled, casting a downward glance at his joined hands on the edge of the table and he nodded.

Marquis Laveaux:  Was this a mistake? Can we be diplomatic at all, or did I come here for a meeting to sit through nothing but you and I taking digs at one another?

Griffin exhaled, and his frame visibly relaxed just a little.

Griffin Hawkins: Well I'm glad that somebody decided to act like an adult and say it. I was beginning to feel like a marriage counselor between an old married couple!

Both Kedron and Marquis turned their heads to simply look at Griffin, and the former two-time Roulette Champion cleared his throat and avoided their mutual gaze. After a seemingly unending amount of time, their eyes found each other once again.

Kedron Williams: Come now, Marquis. We were, I admit, friends once. A friendship that time has eroded into a hostile relationship. Let us face facts, Marquis. Our topics of conversation are limited if not to simply offer digs in one another's direction.

Marquis Laveaux:  You know my relationship with your bloodline did not begin with you. I also knew your mother. I worked with her extensively. Helping her with her experiments. Does that not account for sentimentality?

Kedron simply stared at the man, for having the gall to even dare mention his mother.

Kedron Williams: No.

Was all the answer he gave. However now Griffin was intrigued and his own curiosity had been piqued. He looked at his friend.

Griffin Hawkins: I’m sorry, his mother? You knew Kedron’s mother?

To which Marquis nodded, reminiscing of the past.

Marquis Laveaux:  Abigail Williams.

Griffin blinked, as his old studies in school were immediately brought back like a floodgate being opened. He looked back and forth between the two men, settling on Kedron himself.

Griffin Hawkins: Ab-Abigail Williams? As in, from Salem? That Abigail Williams?

Marquis Laveaux:  The very same. An extraordinary witch, with extraordinary ideas.

Kedron Williams: That fact didn’t stop you from betraying her, did it?

Marquis Laveaux:  We have been through this Kedron. I did not betray her!

Kedron Williams: You stood back and did nothing when she was arrested by those bastard witch hunters. You said nothing as she was taken into custody, knowing full well what the ramifications of her arrest would be!

Marquis Laveaux:  You know what those times were like. You know the judgmental mindset of the religious. Had I said even the slightest hint of support, then I would have been burned too!

Kedron Williams: Better to remain silent and save yourself, is that it? Despite the simple fact that a simple burning would have done little more than act as a bit of discomfort to you. You stood there and watched her burn! You may as well have lit the pyre yourself!

Marquis shook his head.

Marquis Laveaux:  Do not play innocent with me, boy. I saw you. You stood there as well, as did her former Coven.

Kedron Williams: I was a CHILD! And as for her Coven? You know as well as I that they came to Europe from Salem to save her, despite all misgivings. They simply arrived too late.

Marquis smiled, and it was rare for Griffin to hear a chuckle escape from the vampire’s lips. He nodded.

Marquis Laveaux:  How convenient. And now, what? You agreed to this little meeting after so many years to gain some semblance of revenge against me for this imaginary act of betrayal?

Kedron Williams: Oh please! Had I had wanted to hurt you, I simply would have slipped this into your nightly drink.

Kedron reached into the small pocket inside of his dress jacket that he was wearing, despite the muggy Las Vegas climate. In his fingers was a small vial, and inside of that was an amber-colored liquid. He gave it a light shake for emphasis, and as Griffin’s eyes fell on it in curiosity, the eyes of Marquis narrowed, studying it.

Marquis Laveaux:  What exactly is that?

Kedron Williams: Did you know it was possible to reverse vampirism?

He smiled.

Kedron Williams: I did.

Marquis stared at the vial, not at Kedron but at the vial in his grip. Griffin watched him, but even knowing Marquis he wasn’t altogether certain what he was watching. Was that concern in his eyes? Hunger? Or when Kedron slid the vial back out of sight and into his jacket, did a passing look of annoyance cross on his otherwise seemingly icy exterior?

Kedron Williams:  Do you know the difference between a witch and a vampire, Marquis?

The vampire tore his gaze away from wherever that serum had been snuggled away in his old friend’s suit pocket and he tilted his head to side in an inquiring manner.

Marquis Laveaux:  Indulge me.

Kedron Williams: A vampire is a dead end as far as evolution, whereas a witch never stops evolving into something greater so long as they put in the effort.

Griffin shook his head, “All of this hostility and hatred -- because of a book?”

Kedron Williams: I see Marquis here failed to give you the entire story. That so-called ‘book’ that he stole from me? It was more than just my personal possession.

Kedron turned his head just enough so that his gaze could burrow into Griffin’s own.

Kedron Williams: It was my life’s work. I wrote it. Everything in that ‘book.’ My former High Priestess dictated to me the first few pages, but everything else? Every spell? Every potion? Every entry on this dark spirit or that angelic entity?

Kedron turned to glare at Marquis who remained un phased.

Kedron Williams: Mine.

Griffin looked back and forth between the two ‘once friends-now enemies as if in a stark case of disbelief.

Griffin Hawkins: You two were friends once. How can you just throw away all of that history?

Kedron Williams: That’s one of the things about betrayal between friends. It never seems to go out of style. Brutus and Julius Caesar. Judas and Jesus Christ. Doña Marina and Cortes. History is filled to the brim with betrayals. He and I?

Kedron motioned with a finger toward Marquis.

Kedron Williams: We are just another piece of the tapestry.

Kedron then draped his arm on the edge of the table and leaned over, all but ignoring Griffin who sat to his right as he had the final word for Marquis.

Kedron Williams: You cannot seem to understand why I wish to have you staked to a cross and left out for the Rising Sun. And I can appreciate that. Vampires are never really known for their wit and logic. I mean as far as the supernatural Community goes? You're little more than a mosquito. Condemned to a life AB sucking blood and surviving only because of the life of another.

Marquis bristled at this insult, and Griffin shook his head and stood up, pushing his chair aside.

Griffin Hawkins: I need a drink. If I’m going to continue playing babysitter, something stiffer than beer.

And off Griffin went, striding toward the bar across the roof while two sets of eyes trailed after him, before falling upon each other once again.

Marquis Laveaux:  The Cult of Blood has resurfaced. That is why I wanted this meeting. To warn…

Kedron Williams: I am aware.

Marquis Laveaux:  You -- knew?

Kedron Williams: I knew that someone had been following me, watching over my wife’s and my shoulders. I just wasn’t altogether certain ‘who.’

Kedron then glanced up at him as his slender fingers wrapped around his glass.

Kedron Williams: At least not until a week ago...

Saxon Hotel -
Post Climax Control -

Rinoa had turned in early following Climax Control, while her husband Kedron had remained on the rooftop lounge for one last drink. After enjoying one last glass of a dry, red Cabernet Sauvignon, while avoiding most if not all attempts by peers to draw him into conversation, Kedron quietly paid his tab and slipped back to his hotel room…

… Where he opened the door and found a masked intruder in a hooded robe standing over his sleeping wife.

And a mere second later the window to the room exploded in millions of shards of glass as a masked intruder was hurled through by an unseen force!

Back at the Saxon Hotel in present time, Marquis showed the first signs of concern for this man who had once been called both friend and ally, as he leaned over the edge of their table and placed his hand on Kedron’s own.

Marquis Laveaux:  Kedron -- the Cult is a threat. To both myself as well as to you!

Kedron blindly lifted his glass to take a drink, pulling his hand deftly away from that of Marquis’.

Kedron Williams: I am aware of what threat they possess, but they are fragmented. Fractured. Nothing compared to what they used to be. And what they used to be, you and I were both able to fend off alone. What makes you think in this state they could be any possible threat to me? Or to you, for that matter?

Marquis Laveaux:  Your book.

This drew a look of interest from Kedron as Marquis continued.

Marquis Laveaux:  Your Grimoire has some valuable tools in it. Things that would be useful to them were they to ever get their hands on it. Things that could help bring them back to full strength.

Kedron Williams: Yes, and I would be greatly interested in finding out just how they discovered the contents of my life’s work.

And that little bit of food for thought had no other effect than to leave both men and yet another bout of uncomfortable silence between them. Finally, Marquis’s hand slipped around the drink that Kedron had bestowed upon him and picked it up.

Kedron Williams: This is all your fault, you know.

Marquis was about to have a drink when this accusation gave him pause enough. He sat the glass back down momentarily and arched a questioning brow.

Marquis Laveaux:  How do you figure?

Kedron Williams: Had you not granted that interview 40 years ago with that insufferable woman Anne Rice, none of this would have ever happened!

And to that, Marquis could only chuckle. Kedron actually gave him a reason for levity. He drew the glass up again and closer to his stained red lips.

Marquis Laveaux:  Just -- think about what I said. You and me? Just like the old days?

He smiled, a fanged tooth glistening under the rooftop lights that dangled from pillars that surrounded them.

Marquis Laveaux:  The Cult wouldn’t stand a chance.

Kedron Williams: I am no longer the man you once knew.

Marquis Laveaux:  Yes…

He leaned back in his chair, his eyes burrowing into Kedron as if studying him, looking into and through him.

Marquis Laveaux:  I can see that you’ve changed. Got your soul back. You’re whole once again.

To that, Marquis held his class up in the silent toast of congratulations. Perhaps he felt a bit envious because, as a vampire, his own soul had been lost long ago. Forever.

Marquis Laveaux:  And as I understand it, you have that young fellow, Benjamin Jordan to thank for it. … So, if you can get past your issues with Benjamin, why not me?

Kedron Williams: I have Rinoa to thank. Ben Jordan simply assisted her to get me off of his back. He was an unwitting victim in the whole grand scheme of things. I find it hard to believe he would have helped me just to be ‘nice,’ especially after everything I did to him.

Kedron’s head was cast down but his eyes glanced upward through his brow toward Marquis at this direction of topic. But he said nothing, and Marquis sighed and took a drink from his glass and set it back down.

Marquis Laveaux:  I must admit surprise however that during this whole evening, not once did you mention the return of your Grimoire.

Kedron Williams: Hm? Oh, that?

Kedron waved his hand as if he were waving the thought aside, sweeping it under the proverbial rug.

Kedron Williams: No matter. It's of little consequence to discuss it further.

Marquis Laveaux:  You mean you finally understand that I will not hand it over?

Kedron Williams: No.

Kedron gave him a deliciously wicked smile.

Kedron Williams: I mean that while we were talking here tonight, my wife has been at your domicile, retrieving what is mine.

Marquis slowly sat upright, his eyes widening.

Marquis Laveaux:  … What?

Kedron Williams: Yes. By now she has by-passed your security and already has it in her possession.

Marquis shoots to his feet, knocking the chair aside and sending it toppling over to the surface of the roof! Heads turned at the outburst. His eyes were emblazoned red with anger, with a feeling of rage. His fingers tightened into hard fists, and yet -- Kedron remained un phased. He simply looked up at Marquis -- and smiled.

Kedron Williams: Now, now Marquis. Don’t get too worked up. I mean, you are a great many things; liar. Charlatan. Thief. But I never had you pegged to be a hypocrite. Who do you think you are? Me?

Marquis Laveaux:  You have no idea what you have done!

Kedron Williams: Oh I have a very good idea, old friend. And before we go any further, I would like to apologize beforehand for whatever Rinoa did to whatever security you have at your little abode. It takes a lot to upset my wife, but when she gets going?

He closed his eyes, smiled and shook his head.

Kedron Williams: She can be quite the handful!

Marquis was absolutely fuming, struggling to restrain his emotions and not draw forth any more undue attention that this outburst has not attracted already. He clenched and uncle he'd his fists until he could remain silent no more.

Marquis Laveaux:  I think perhaps it is time I had a little chat with your wife about boundaries.

Oh, perhaps he should have remained silent. Kedron’s eyes snapped open and were milky white, and suddenly the body of Marquis snapped rigid, his back arched at a pained angle. His arms were stretched out, fingers clawing at empty air. And his head was thrown back, eyes open wide as was his mouth as he made desperate choking sounds.

Kedron Williams: I am trying my very best to control my temper for my wife's sake, but you're not making it very easy on me.

Kedron was deadly calm as he stood up and walked around the table until he stood at Marquis’s side.

Kedron Williams: Say whatever you want to me. Make your empty threats -- but threaten my wife again and there won't be enough left of you to feed her cats!

Then just as easily as whatever force had hold of Marquis released him just as quickly. The vampire glared absolute hatred at the warlock as he grabbed at his throat. Kedron placed a ‘comforting’ hand on his shoulder and smiled.

Kedron Williams: It was good to see you, Marquis.

The eyes of Marquis followed him as Kedron turned and walked toward the rooftop exit, but paused at the side of Griffin who was staring as if he had just seen a ghost.

Kedron Williams: Thank you, Griffin.  I couldn't have done it without you.

As Kedron reached the door, Marquis called after him.

Marquis Laveaux:  I thought having a soul would have made you a better person!

Kedron paused briefly to turn back to him, gifting his friend with a smile and a coy wink.

Kedron Williams: Popular misconception.

And Kedron opened the door and stepped through, shutting it behind him.

Kedron Williams was seated in a perched position outside of the Saxon Hotel, in the rear parking lot and away from the vibrant lights of the famed Vegas Strip, but only just. Back here was where the personal vehicles of staff were stationed while those of SCW, SCU and GRIME were tucked more securely in the multi-leveled parking garage.

Kedron Williams:  Sacrifice. We all make it, do we not? Unless we are multi-millionaires who have money to burn or are used to our little whims being catered to. For those of us who do not have everything handed to us on a silver platter, we give up something for the betterment of ourselves further on down the road. Now, if I am to be perfectly honest -- and for me that is quite the stretch -- I will be the first to readily admit that I am somewhat comfortable where finances are concerned. I am by no means rich like, say, J2H, but for as long as I've been alive, a sharp wit and an instinct for investments have given me the means for a comfortable existence for Rinoa and I.

Why then do I risk what I have for something that may or may not pay off in the long run? It amuses me, and when you have been alive for as long as I have been, you do tend to every now and then get a little desperate for entertainment. A means to amuse myself, or something new to experience. I should know this well enough, as I have made sacrifices a handful of times in the past, and these did not pan out the way that I had hoped. Whether it be something as pitiful as a human soul, or a family of wonderful and giving women, one never is quite sure what you're willing to give up to a higher power in order to become something altogether new. I learned that lesson in the hardest of ways, wanting nothing more than to be stronger than I Eddie was. A foolish endeavor looking back on it, as those who cared about me always assured me that I was strong enough already. And yet I lost them and my very soul in the process.

Though thanks to my wife and one Ben Jordan, my soul had been returned. The other thing I gave up, or gave away? Unfortunately no magic in heaven or hell can return what I lost in that circumstance. Which brings me to the here, and the now. I find myself in a situation that I have never been in before, and for me that is saying something.

I've been in SCW long enough to have left something of an impression, but the opportunity at wrestling for a championship has always eluded me. Why, I really can't say. On one hand, I've never outright went out of my way to secure a championship match. Considering the other options I had going for me at the time, fighting a relative stranger for a simple trinket seemed at the lower-tier of my priorities. The constant struggle I see in professional wrestling for a piece of leather with a golden adornment just eluded me, I suppose. After well, when you get right down to it, gold really isn't all that useful of an item except that it is dazzling to the eyes. It serves no useful purpose. You can't use it as a tool to cook with, it's simply too soft and cannot stand up to heat. So why then do so many men and women practically kill one another inside of the Ring, trying to secure this very trinket for themselves?

Kedron’s eyes closed and he smiled as if the dawning of realization came upon him suddenly.

Kedron Williams: Ah yes. Ego. The constant need for the average mortal to satiate how they see themselves, or how they want others to see them. Understandable, we all want to be the best. We all want others to think we are the best. I never really felt that way before, when I first arrived. My sights were set on Ben Jordan and vengeance, not championship titles. Of course, there is one constant fact in this wonderful Universe of ours; and that is everything changes.

Yes, myself included. It may take millions of years, but the smallest drops of water can alter the largest of mountains into the most impressive of canyons. And now that I’ve been here long enough, perhaps it’s time for a change in  me as well. I walked into the Triple Threat against Caleb Storms and Stephen Callaway at Blaze of Glory VIII, not really caring about the endgame. It was simply the outcome I had an immediate interest in. I simply wanted to win, whether a championship opportunity was on the line or not. And -- I did win. Which puts me directly in your sites, Jack Russow, and vice-versa.

There was a reflection in Kedron’s pale eyes that clearly resembled the reigning Roulette Champion, Jack Russow.

Kedron Williams: You’ve been in my sights for nearly six full weeks now, but me? I really don’t think I’ve been in yours. Now I can usually tell the measure of a man by watching him closely. Call it a gift. But you? You are a bit of a hard one to get a grasp on. You are obviously confident in yourself, inside of the ring as well as out. I’ve watched on social media as that lad, Carter, has flirted rather brazenly with you. Some men might have taken offense, but you? You were confident enough in your own masculinity that you simply flirted right back and almost gave the kid a heart attack. I admit that level of self assuredness in who you are. I myself have always felt an affinity toward who I am, and I make no apologies for it.

Of course, to do what you did is measure enough on your in-ring capabilities, Jack. Many were beginning to doubt that Griffin Hawkins would ever have that Roulette Championship relieved from his grasp. I myself had my doubts, figuring that belt would be pried from his cold, dead grasp. But look at you! Not only were you able to wrestle that title away, but you left Griffin alive. And since your title win, you’ve done quite well for yourself in a number of high profile matches. You may not have won every one…:

But you performed quite admirably, making me truly want this match, and to want to best you. After all, the better the current champion, the better the newly crowned.

Kedron slowly stood up and started to walk across the parking lot, weaving in between older and newer cars.

Kedron Williams: One thing I can tell you about you is the simple fact that you go into this match, not taking me seriously at all. I won the right to challenge you for your championship, the very same night that you won it. And I have not heard even a single utterance of my name since. No man likes to be ignored or thought of as an afterthought. I would have even settled for something as insane as telling me to ‘give up’ or ‘that I don't stand a chance. Something! But that’s alright. It’s your mistake to make, not my own. And it is an error that I will take an immense amount of pleasure in exploiting to my own advantage.”

I’ve been inside of the ring with the likes of the current World Champion, Ben Jordan. And while he walked away from our little rivalry with a two-to-one outcome, I still managed to get that one win in. I pinned his shoulders to the mat when how many others have attempted to do the same and otherwise failed? Jake Raab, and recently, the Holiest of Holy Men, Tiberius of Elysia. That one was perhaps the sweetest of wins for obvious reasons. My point is, is the fact that I am obviously ready for this challenge. I’ve proven myself. I’ve prepared for it.

Kedron enters a small clearing where a life-sized cardboard cut out of Jack Russow is tied to a stake atop a mound of stones.

Kedron Williams: It’s ironic that someone from my past once told me that they thought my having a soul would have made me a better person.

Kedron paused and looked thoughtful in his expression.

Kedron Williams: I’m still not altogether certain whether or not that was a hidden dig at my expense. But I suppose that’s for me to know, and you, Jack, to find out.

Kedron held up a torch that ignited seemingly on it’s own, and he tossed it onto the base of the mound where ‘Cardboard Jack’ was secured. The bound ‘figure’ was ignited and burned immediately. Kedron stared at the flames as their reflection danced off of his pale flesh.

Kedron Williams: Then again, nobody ever said that it was something of mine that I was sacrificing to get what I wanted, at least this time.

The reflection of the burning effigy danced in his eyes...
Title: Jack Russow V Kedron Williams
Post by: Jack Russow on June 04, 2020, 11:15:49 PM

“TOO BAD!!!”

(The scene opens outside of stately Russow Manor as we see Alanah O’Connell essentially DRAGGING her boyfriend Jack Russow by the collar of his pants up the stairs. Though the show is in Las Vegas...when you have access to private transportation, sometimes you just need to go back to the beginning and re-root yourself.)


Alanah O’Connell: LOOK!!! This was the ONLY thing I could think of and YOUR great lump of an ass was just gonna roll over and forfeit!

Jack Russow: But THIS...the HORROR...the...HORROR.

(She drags him up the stairs and opens the door. Jack’s withdrawn yet almost genius brother Charlie was in his usual spot in the corner reading a book far beyond his years. Emma suddenly floats out from the kitchen and up to Alanah giving her a big hug and a kiss before wrapping Jack in a hug and pulling back to hold his face.)

Emma Russow: My have you been? Losses still weighing on your mind?

Jack Russow: I don’t care about the losses anymore…

Emma Russow:’s Mack.

Jack Russow: I promised him I’d have his back...I SWORE blood brothers against the wind with him that we would find her together! And I know I should be honored...SCW entrusted me with a championship reign at the expense of MAYBE the greatest in-ring competitor they’ve ever hosted. But every time I try to focus…

Alanah O’Connell: ...I still hear her screaming...the nightmare’s are too real…

(Emma turns and consoles Alanah again as Jack starts to slink towards the door…)

Jack Russow: WEEEEEEELL I guess Dad’s uhh...probably in the gym so I’m uhh…

(Alanah suddenly snaps back to reality like OP there goes Rabbit and she’s suddenly giving him a VERY stern look. Emma is confused.)

Emma Russow: Well yes, your father is in the gym but whyyyy am I picking up miscommunication vibes between you two?

Alanah O’Connell: Because that’s NOT who he’s here t’see!

(Jack literally hits his knees grabbing at the hem of Alanah’s sundress burying his face into it.)

Jack Russow: I beg of you...I IMPLORE you...PLEASE...RECONSIDER THIS!!

(Emma suddenly gets a known look on her face…)

Emma Russow: Ahhhh…*ahem* ROOOOOOOOOSIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!

(There is a cup of water on the table...we see it ripple with a thud like in Jurassic Park...Jack looks at it and gulps deeply as a tiny voice calls out from the distance…)


(Jack frantically looks at Emma and literally squeaks like a mouse…)

Jack Russow: ...please…

(Emma feigns sympathy for her son before screaming out…)

Emma Russow: VISITORS!!!

(We hear a three octave Mariah Carey-esque shriek as suddenly there’s the quick pitter-patter of little feet rushing down the second flight of stairs but suddenly stopping at the top of the bottom set of stairs. We hear a little throat clear as suddenly we see the reigning Diva herself...Jack Russow’s 9 year old little sister...Charlie’s COMPLETELY opposite twin...comes eloquently sliding her arms down the bannister as she floats about in what looks to be a formal evening gown. As soon as she sees Alanah they both shriek and lunge for each other as Alanah picks her up swinging her around.)

Rosie Russow: OH MY DEAREST ALANAH it is just DARLING to see you again!!!

Alanah O’Connell: The honor is MINE, my dearest! How are you!?

Rosie Russow: I am....admittedly...dismayed.

Alanah O’Connell: Awww...what troubles my beloved Rosie?

(She sets Rosie down and Rosie rubs her arm looking at the ground as tears begin to form in her eyes and she looks at Jack.)

Rosie Russow: ...why haven’t you found Mattie yet?

(That hit Jack like a ton of bricks and he starts to stammer over his words as he backs into a seat...Alanah’s face suddenly becomes flushed with concern as she kneels besides the young hostess and fixes her dress.)

Alanah O’Connell: Now Ms. have my EVERY guarantee we are trying our best to find your Mattie. And we will! She’ll be right back here adorning you in every beautiful color you could imagine. I ADORE this dress...did she make it for you?

Rosie Russow: She DID! Oh she was so divine! Far better than I could have ever DREAMED!!! But I’m curious...why did you two come all this way just to

Alanah O’Connell: *Gasps* As if I’d need a REASON to see my Rosie! But you are correct...there is one thing I could use your...expertise on.

Rosie Russow: Oh darling you flatter me! Do go on!

Alanah O’Connell: See your brother has to defend his Roulette Championship for SCW-

Rosie Russow: UGH! Barbaric fisticuffs run deep in this family, I’ll have NONE of it!

Alanah O’Connell: Well he’s facing a man who’s a little…”dramatic”.

(This peaks Rosie’s attention...someone more dramatic than her? Bitch is goin’ know.)

Rosie Russow:

Alanah O’Connell: Well as best we can tell he thinks he’s some sort of...warlock.

Rosie Russow: a boy wizard?

Alanah O’Connell: Kinda.

Rosie Russow: Harry Potter with guyliner?

Alanah O’Connell: EXACTLY.

(Rosie thinks for a moment...staring at her brother in extremely deep thought...before she claps her little hands twice and saunters back towards the stairs.)


Jack Russow: ...I am literally a decade older than you.

Rosie Russow: And yet you seek MY this the hill on which you wish to be buried?

(From the other room, behind his a rare outcry of notoriety we hear young Charlie Russow proclaim…)

Charlie Russow: WELL SAID, SISTER!

(Rosie flips her hair and winks at Alanah who grabs Jack by the arm and leads him up the stairs to “The Theatre”...once the door closes...and three minutes have passed...we suddenly hear a blood-curdling shriek that obviously belongs to Jack Russow. Emma Russow looks at Charlie who has looked up from his novel as they both shake their heads at each other concluding this part of the thing…)


-I Am Jack’s Punch-Drunk Delusion-

“‘Cause I'm about to BREAK down!
Searching for a WAY out!
I’m a liar! I’m a cheater! I’m a non-believer!

(We see the under-dwelling of what appears to be a stone-masoned castle dungeon. Where are we? We can only speculate. As the world burns outside and the voices cry for justice it seems the only place one can find a moment’s concentration to attend to the business at hand is to go subterranean. We see a faint light shine down from the stone spiral staircase in a dark blue until the camera pans back and we see a decent sized cauldron boiling over a roaring fire. We hear a harsh, almost Batman like tone begin to speak…)

“In the end as you fade into the night...who will tell the story of your life?”

(Suddenly we see a very dark Jack Russow clad in all black leather ALMOST like The Crow if the Crow had better hair and didn’t have solid white contacts in his eyes.)

Jack Russow: Kedron Williams. You have fought...bled...for your one chance at glory. To match me fate for fate in that hallowed ground. That squared circle. And I admit you intrigue me to an extent but do not let my curiosity blind you to the now FACE. See if you were smart you’d have paid attention to everything I’ve said thus far. You’d KNOW my’d know my track’d know I’m banging Lachlan Kane and Malachi’s sister on the regs-


Jack Russow: SORRY! That one slipped...also...just really love reminding them of that. BUT ALAS!!! The time has come for your end of days, Kedron! You hapless jabroni! LOOK! LOOK into your crystal ball or your Ouija Board or your...Miss Cleo hotline! LOOK and ACKNOWLEDGE!...ACCEPT your defeat!

(Jack suddenly slinks towards the camera taking a moment to cough and sputter as the smoke from the fire blows up in his face before he suddenly snaps back into...iunno what we call this, “Weird Mode”? He slithers up to the camera making sure you can see his super cool all white contact lenses that he got from Lens Crafters who totally didn’t pay us to shout them out.)

Jack Russow: Kedron Williams you WILL know pain unlike you’ve ever know! Because I WILL COME ON YOU LIKE NO MAN HAS COME ON YOU BEFORE!!!

“...really? wanna take that one again?”

(Jack pauses and thinks for a second...his eyes squint so hard that one of the contact lenses folds in half and he dances around digging at his eye.)


“Rosie thought it would add to the drama!”

Jack Russow: ROSIE’S FUCKIN’ NINE!!!

“Don’t you yell at me ya thick dolt!”

Jack Russow: I’m SORRY babe I just...GAHHHHH!!! THAT’S IT! FUCK IT! HIT THE LIGHTS!!!

(Suddenly we hear a bell ring as lights turn on and we see that it was a pre-built set as Jack walks over to the vanity mirror and scratches at his face as Alanah O’Connell calms him and calmly takes the contact lenses out of his eyes holding his face to look at him as she kisses him quickly.)

Alanah O’Connell: That’s much better anyway!

Jack Russow: What am I doing? The leather, the fire, the...ALL of just…

Alanah O’Connell: It isn’t you. I see that now. I just thought since you were drifting we might try something a little different is all!

Jack Russow: Can’t I just...wear MY clothes...somethin’ that doesn’t have a chokehold on our kiddie makers...come out to MY kinda scene and just...go OFF on this Hawthorne Heights lookin’ motherfucker?

(Alanah kisses Jack on the forehead)

Alanah O’Connell: That’s my boy. Now GIT! We’re burnin’ daylight!


(Next thing we know we hear…)


(The door swings open to an outside bonfire where a few of his closest people are having a good time. They’ve backed trucks up to the fire and are sitting on the tailgate, there’s a keg, there’s punks...thugs...preps...literally people from every walk of life. And out of the door bounds Jack Russow in his ratty jeans...his ratty band shirt...his ratty Chuck Taylors...his goofy shades...and the SCW Roulette Championship slung over his shoulder.)

Jack Russow: I’m not the kinda kid that is REALLY discriminate against anyone based on sexual orientation, color, creed, fact, MY called the Island of Misfit Toys. And for good reason! You an outcast? Are you a liberal that grew up in the South? You a thug from the suburbs? You just never…”fit in” anywhere? You got a spot with ME. I SEE you. I ACCEPT you. I LOVE you. And in this current climate and situation? I think we need all of that we can get...don’t you?

(Jack screams towards the crew and they raise a bottle or a glass to him in return as he adjusts the title on his shoulder.)

Jack Russow: Kedron I don’t know the first thing about you...and that’s cool! ‘Cause you don’t know the first thing about ME, either! Now...if I were a dick...I’d come out here and I’d say you look like the poster child of Marilyn Manson’s mom having a three day crack binge while she was pregnant with you! I could say “cheer up kid, your makeup’s running!” I COULD say...that Dungeons & Dragons is NOT a viable way to pattern your life but Kedron...I don’t wanna do that. Y’see…

(Jack walks down and hops up on a tail bed next to Alanah who lays her head on his shoulder.)

Jack Russow: D’you wanna know why I was the RIGHT person at the RIGHT time to end Griffin Hawkins’ epic run with this championship? It’s because I went into it knowing I was outclassed, outmanned, and outgunned...but I showed up with all the class I could. I showed Griffin Hawkins every ounce of respect he deserved and then when that was well documented I showed him...EXACTLY...what being the “Real Wild Child” is all about! Now you and I are gonna HELLUVA fight for this title...come Hell or high water. Who KNOWS what this destiny is gonna hold for us. But I want you to know this is nothing PERSONAL for me! If you win? I’ll be the same cat after as I was right now. I will personally get up, hand you this title, and shake your hand. But I gotta tell you something and I NEED you to hear it…

(Jack and Alanah share a knowing look at each other as they both nod in solidarity...Jack turns back to the camera.)

Jack Russow: I took my look Into The Void...I didn’t see all of time and space like The Doctor...I didn’t hear the drums like The Master. What I saw...was my destiny. And that was me toppling you to RETAIN this title and go on to continue cementing my legacy in SCW.

...that was…

Jack Russow: ...and then it changed. I saw my best friend Mack...getting slashed down by a maniacal preacher and his sadist father trying to save the ONE chance at love he ever had in his life...and when I looked...I didn’t see me anywhere near it. And that? I won’t lie to ya...that bothered me. That fueled me. THAT. ANGERED. ME. Because I have felt torn between two destinies...two worlds...for far too long so what I’M going to DO.

(Jack slides off the tailgate and wanders right up to the fire holding his hand out over it as close as he can get it as the pain starts to show on his face in the form of undeniable rage.)

Jack Russow: “On a gathering storm comes a tall handsome man...but hidden in his coat is a red right hand.” And I’m gonna TAKE...that red right hand...and I’m gonna try my damndest to punch through your SOUL. As FAST as I can. Because the faster I put you down...the quicker I can get back to looking for Mattie Cormier so no...I don’t want you to think I’m OVERLOOKING you. No no...I’m red dot sighted, x-ray vision THROUGH you. After it’s all said and done? If you can get up on your own power? I invite you to come join us! Have a beer and look like you could use it. But until that party...from bell to bell?

...kid...I’m gonna kick your chick pant wearin’ ass.

(Jack winks at the camera and turns back to the party as we fade to black.)