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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Griffin Hawkins on May 01, 2020, 11:27:41 PM

Title: Fall From Grace
Post by: Griffin Hawkins on May 01, 2020, 11:27:41 PM
  ~April 12th 2020~

I sit alone in my locker room...feeling beaten and hurt. I had lost the one title I had worked so hard to get. For the last 300 days I was riding high as the Roulette Champion...and on one night, everything changed.

What happens to me now?

That's all I can ask myself I sit alone to myself in my empty locker room. I sit against the lockers, thinking. I don't even know what's going to happen to me from here. I then hear the door to my locker room open. I expected it to be Charles of Geoff. I really didn't feel like talking to any of them right now, but I got a surprise when I heard a female voice.

"Seat taken?"

I look up and see its none other than Roxi Johnson..a friend who I have trusted for over a decade. No disrespect to her, but I wasn't expecting to see her right now, I figured she'd be resting after her match...I know she wasn't feeling her best after she lost her title, but it wouldn't hurt if we talked to each other.

Griffin Hawkins: Go ahead, knock yourself out.

She comes up and sits next to me. My arm still hurts, but I'm not gonna give in to the pain.

Roxi Johnson: Stupid question...but are you alright?

Griffin Hawkins: I've had better nights to be honest..

Roxi Johnson: I'm sorry about tonight...I mean that was a hard fought match.

Griffin Hawkins: Yeah..but I lost, not just the match but the title...nearly a year down the drain...I got nothing left.

Roxi Johnson: Griffin that's not true. You still got something to be proud held that title for 300 days. You surpassed guys like Goth and Kristopher Ryans. Your reign will go down in history as one of the greatest of all time.

Griffin Hawkins: But what about Jack Russow?

Roxi Johnson: Let him be the one to deal with all the pressure of every guy in this locker room gunning for him now that he's got a target on his chest. Yeah he did beat you for the title..he's good, but he will never be better than you. And next time you'll prove it.

That was comforting to hear..especially at that point in time.

Griffin Hawkins: So...where do I go from here?...

Roxi Johnson: I think you'll find your answer soon...just don't give up, you will be Champion again. I gotta go, Keira is waiting, take care of yourself Griff.

Griffin Hawkins: Thanks Roxi..I appreciate it.

She got up and left. She did at least make me feel better for the most part...but what was I going to do now? What's in the cards for me? I then noticed something on the wall in my locker room. A Ben Jordan poster with him holding the World Title.

It was a sign...

I knew what I had to do next. I feel as if I needed to set my goals higher than ever before. I get up, looking at the poster...I know soon this has to take place, I went to go take a shower with only one thought in mind...

I needed to fight for the World Heavyweight Title.


I knew this wasn't going to be easy, but I could not avoid this meeting forever, I had to talk to Marquis face to face, confront him about the past. He'd either lie to my face..or give me the answers I'm looking for. Later that week, I decided to visit his mansion. I often wonder how lonely he is in a house all by himself. I knock on the door..wondering if he's home. I had a lump in my throat...wondering how this was going to go. Soon, he opened the door, greeting me on this evening.

Marquis Laveaux: Griffin?...

Marquis Laveaux: Well no, but I wasn't expecting any company at this hour..

Griffin Hawkins: Well if you don't feel like talking, I'll just head on home and come back another time.

I went to leave, hoping like hell he'd let me go.

Marquis Laveaux: Oh no, I don't mind. You've come all this way, might as well come in.

He allows me inside as we walk into the living room, the fireplace burning as it lights up the room.
As I sit down he pours me some tea as I drop some sugar into it.

Marquis Laveaux: Do you want some Milk with your tea?

Griffin Hawkins: Uh..sure.

He pours some in as I sit on the couch. He was being pleasant to me...wondered how long that was going to last. He sat at the chair next to me.

Marquis Laveaux: So..what did you want to talk about?

Griffin Hawkins: Marquis..we've been friends for...over a decade. No matter what happened, you were there for me.

Marquis Laveaux: It's true. From the time I found you out on the streets that one night, I've always tried to do the right thing by you.

Griffin Hawkins: And I appreciate that. Right now I want to know the truth..centuries ago, you and Gideon were a member of the Cult of Blood...and I am led to believe that my Grandfather had dealings with you in that time frame...

I can see his expression change to a serious one.

Marquis Laveaux: did you find all this out?

Griffin Hawkins: I've been having dreams...past life experiences. I also have a friend...sort of..who confirmed everything, claiming you have some book that belongs to him..

Marquis Laveaux: ....the book of shadows?

Griffin Hawkins:, is this all true?

He slowly gets up, his back turned to me as he looks to the fireplace.

Marquis Laveaux: It's true...every word you heard about this is all true.

Griffin Hawkins: you knew who I was that night..

Marquis Laveaux: You have the same birthmark on the lower side of your neck that your Grandfather has. I took you in to atone for my actions against him and his family...

Griffin Hawkins: Why did you join the Cult?..

Marquis Laveaux: Me and Gideon weren't really members. We were associated with them. We didn't agree with their methods, they hired us to steal the book after many of their members failed.

Griffin Hawkins: But Kedron Williams was powerful enough, he could've fought off anyone..

Marquis Laveaux: He's a good man..but he was a little hard headed. I couldn't take the chance of them getting their hands on the book. I did what I had to do. I took the book and I fled the country.

Griffin Hawkins: Kedron...he told me that it wouldn't be long until you stabbed me in the back when you no longer had a use for me...

He slowly turns and faces me.

Marquis Laveaux: If it were true..I would've killed you that night and end your bloodline. I took you in because you were the last hope of me saving myself from my horrible depraved actions from centuries ago. I didn't tell you because you deserve the right to live a normal life. Look at got a beautiful wife..three kids..a home. If I was the man I was then, I would make sure none of that happened. You can trust me Griffin..

I looked into his felt like he was being sincere. This was a man I trusted with my life.

Griffin Hawkins: there anyway I can get the book back from you so I can give it to Kedron?...

Marquis Laveaux: I can't do that...

Griffin Hawkins: Why not?...

Marquis Laveaux: It's not that I don't trust you..its that we don't know if there's any remnants of that cabal left in this day and age. If this book fell into the wrong hands it would do some serious damage...

Griffin Hawkins: ...what if I could arrange a meeting between you two...I could be like a wingman of sorts..

Marquis Laveaux: I think he'd much rather cut my head off than be chummy with me.

Griffin Hawkins: Can you at least be willing enough to talk?...

Marquis Laveaux: Fine..for you, I will..but if it turns into a fight, I have no choice but to defend myself.

Griffin Hawkins: It won't come to that..I guess I better get home..

Marquis Laveaux: Right..have a good night.

I leave the home, what was I getting myself into? I offered to get two dangerous people in one room, that's a recipe for disaster...but I had to put an end to this so I can get back to my normal life once and for all.


Cameras open up with me in the ring, dressed in black pants and a Black Sabbath T-Shirt. The Go Gym is empty other than myself and the camera crew. I sit alone in the ring, hugging my knees as I begin to speak.

"Where does a man go after he has lost everything? Everything he worked for, everything he's earned? Beaten...broken...brought down...where do you go? That's all I could ask myself the night I lost the title. Quitting would've been the easy choice...but that's not me. I said last Sunday on Climax Control that I didn't come all this way just to quit. And I'm not gonna be like other Champions of the past and make up some lame excuse to why I lost the Roulette Title..Jack Russow won it fair and square, I got no one to blame but myself for that as I'm sure he'll be a good Champion. But what does that mean? Am I taking a fall from grace? Some would say that...I think differently. Because this only means I can focus on the one belt that has eluded me my entire SCW career.. the World Heavyweight Title. My next opponent knows how it feels to hold Championship gold..."

I have my head up as I look to the camera.

"Senior Vinnie....we meet once again. Last time we fought, you beat me. I didn't like it, but you did. Back then...I was a Champion, and you were looking to climb the ladder once again and face the Champion. Months later I have no gold, yet neither do you. I figured the next time we would meet, you would be World Champion. But're not. Why? Because you were busy having some pointless feud with Bill Barnhart over his dog..your cactus...whatever it was...but dude come on man, you deserve better. You deserve to be fighting for the title instead of beating some fat overweight never was who just can't grasp the fact that his glory days are over..I mean hell, his bulldog is more popular than he is."

I slowly get up.

"You should not be wasting time with a man who is beneath your standards, you should be fighting for the World Title. This time around, the both of us want the same become the face of the company. This time it feels different. Because last time around I was a Champion and riding high, looking to beat you on the way up to further establish my legacy as I held the Roulette Gold. Now the both of us meet again..0 and 1 is where I'm at. I know for a fact that you haven't forgotten our last battle, because I haven't either. I'm looking to even the score between us as I start my road to the World Heavyweight Title."

The defeat at his hands still hangs over my head.

"Yeah its true, you did beat me Vinnie. I make no excuses for that. But even you have to admit that I gave you a run for your money. I came very close to beating you. Sure, you'll say almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades...and you're right. But I am not here to almost win, I'm here to move on to the World Heavyweight Title, and what better way to kick it off than to defeat a former Champion like you. Sure, many will tell me that me being World Champion is not possible...I'm used to that. As long as they know that I have made a career out of proving people wrong. Some might say that I can't beat you? Are they right? Or are they wrong? Only way to find out is when they tune in for Climax Control."

I lean against the ropes, making sure the other part of the camera crew see me.

"I also haven't forgotten your previous words to me Vinnie, You asked for me to prove that I am better than you. Here's the may or may not surprise you, but I am not here to be better than you. That was never my intention. You've already did what I haven't done yet and become World Heavyweight Champion...I'd have to do a lot to be considered better than you. But beating you...that would make a good first step. See, I know more than anyone that on any given night, you can lose a match no matter how big you are, no matter the empire you built for yourself..all it takes is one mistake for you to lose. You of course know that.."

I really wanted to avenge my loss to Vinnie if I wanted to make it to become World Champion.

"Here's the truth Vinnie, I'm not Bill Barnhart. I'm not a guy who'll settle for staying in the same spot as I toil in mediocrity. Like you, I want the World Title...not for bragging rights or for the fame and money and status...but to prove once and for all that i am without a doubt one of the greatest athletes in Sin City history. I've already accomplished it six times in many different organizations...but I've never been able to do so in SCW...I want to rectify that when I face you one on one once again. Down the line..maybe we will fight for the world title...but for now, I am more than satisfied to get the chance to avenge my previous loss to you."

I look straight at the camera.

"You are no doubt one of the elite here in SCW Vinnie, and you got the gold to prove it. But I have something to prove as well. You beat me once, and now I gotta even the score and make it 1 to 1. If this were for the Roulette Title, I wouldn't know what kind of match that I would fight you in...but I am relieved to know that it will be a straight up fight between two of SCW's best. Both of us want to become World Champion by any means. Only one of us will win...some might say it will be you once again. That's why I am looking to change the landscape when I beat you in that ring. A lot is riding on the line Vinnie...and I am gonna do whatever it takes to leave with my hand raised. Sooner or're gonna get rocked."

I leave the ring and head to the back as the camera crew wrap everything up.