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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Supercard Archives => Topic started by: Mark Ward on October 06, 2019, 02:58:04 PM

Title: Christina Rose V Jessie Salco
Post by: Mark Ward on October 06, 2019, 02:58:04 PM
 Post all roleplays for this match here.

Limits: 1 roleplay per week. 10,000 words maximum.

Good luck!
Title: Christina Rose V Jessie Salco
Post by: Jessie Salco on October 11, 2019, 09:19:03 PM
 RP Title: “All roses have thorns.”

The build up to High Stakes IX started innocently enough for Christina Rose as she was set to debut her new blog on the first Climax Control of the Paradise Lost tour, to say that it didn’t go to plan is an understatement as Jessie interrupted Christina just as the Rose Garden was picking up steam and after some back and forth Jessie sucker punched Christina with her microphone and proceeded to rain down brass knuckle assisted punches onto Christina’s head leaving her a bloody mess and breaking her glasses in the process.

Another brutal attack followed the following week but this time, Jessie had assistance from the returning masked Bombshell known only as Diamond who revealed that she had paid Jessie to put Christina in the hospital so that Diamond could ruin her life, Jessie never revealed just how much she was paid but even after Diamond moved on to a program with the returning Keira Fisher the back and forth between Jessie and Christina continued including them both joining commentary for each other’s matches in back to back weeks.

Now the twitter poll has decided that their grudge match at High Stakes will be in a Chamber of Extreme Match and the match is set for High Stakes IX in two weeks’ time, will Christina get her revenge on Jessie? Or will Jessie end her long losing streak?

On the beaches of Honolulu, Hawaii
Friday the 11th of October 2019, 11:00am

What else do you do when you’re in Hawaii?

Okay, to be specific, we’re not sunbathing, it’s actually pretty cloudy today so even if I was interested in working on my tan, there isn’t enough sun to warrant going sunbathing.

No, instead we’re just checking out the local sites as we had been doing for most of the week, in fact there’s only two differences: one: there’s a camera on me this time and two: I have a little memorabilia on me from the attack that started this little feud with Christina Rose/Crystal Hilton.

And that’s what you’re here for, the Chamber of Extreme match against Christina Rose, the match you, the fans, voted for, you know if you hate bloggers that much I’ll happily go after certain other bloggers who operate conspiracy theorist websites for you.

Granted, I doubt any of you could pay me as well as Diamond did but that’s beside the point.

“Sun, sea, sand.” Jake commented as we walked around Honolulu, I’ll say this much, if you had told me that Hawaii would be this cold at the beginning of the tour, I would’ve called you crazy. “Well, some sun at least.” Jake added as he glanced towards the sky where the sun was currently behind a cloud. “And your Chamber of Extreme Match against Christina Rose, could you at least warn us before you do something like this again?”

“Like what? My initial attack on Christina?” I asked as I admired my knuckles which had the brass knuckles on them, dried blood and all. “I did tell you, didn’t I?”

“You told us that you were going to interrupt Christina’s segment.” Shane corrected me before motioning to Jake. “He even said as much on the Twitter Account once the show was off the air, you conveniently left out the fact that you were going to attack Christina and the fact that you were aligned with Diamond.”

“Aligned is too strong a word, I was basically a hired gun for Diamond.” I responded as I shook my head before putting my hands in my jacket pockets. “And for the record, she didn’t tell me that she was going to follow that up by attacking Belinda the following week, if she had, well I’d be challenging Sam Marlowe for the Roulette Title because Mark never would’ve removed me from the Triple Threat Match.” I added and the boys remained unconvinced. “Come on, do you really think I’d give up a title shot that easily after the shit I endured for most of 2018?”

“Mark didn’t announce the Triple Threat until after your attack so that argument’s invalid.” Jake pointed out before we stopped for a rest at a bench. “But aside from that, you are right, you wouldn’t throw away a title shot like that.”

“Exactly, besides, with the new Supercard cycle coming up it won’t be that long until I’m back in the title picture.” I responded with a shrug before grinning. “Doesn’t matter if it’s against Sam, whoever wins the mixed tag team match, Seleana or Alicia, they can’t keep me down for long.”

“You’re not going to start demanding……….” Shane trailed off as I cleared my throat. “Campaigning for title shots, are you? Because you’ll end up back in the same spot you were in this time last year if you do!”

“Believe it or not, I do learn from my mistakes, now if you excuse me, I have a promo to do.” I responded and the boys nodded before walking off to give me some privacy as I got ready to do my promo.

“It all started with an offer I couldn’t refuse and look at where we are now Christina.” I stated as I pulled my jacket sleeves back a bit to show the brass knuckles. “Remember these? I still carry them around with me for one very good reason, they’re a reminder of when I did the world a favor and shut up an annoying blogger with mental issues, and in two weeks’ time, you get to have your revenge, right? That would be the fairytale ending but this ain’t a fairytale!”

Far from it.

“Oh sure, the fans want to see you kick my ass all over the Chamber of Extreme but there’s one big problem with that fact, you don’t have the killer instinct that Crystal Hilton did, hell she attacked her wife to get a title shot and the way you use fists on your wife would have to be censored so I’m just going to leave it at that! This isn’t going to be a match, it isn’t going to be you overcoming the odds, it’s going to be a massacre with me coming out on top.”


“Recently, I’ve been playing Fire Emblem Three Houses on my Nintendo Switch, what does that have to do with anything you ask? Well, one of the characters, Dorothea, has the following quote for when she defeats an enemy: all roses have thorns, do you get the picture now Christina? To beat me, you have to get the thorns out, to beat me, you have to let Crystal Hilton out of her cage for one night only but we both know that you are too much of a coward to let her out, otherwise? Well, maybe you would’ve picked up the win over Roxi Johnson a few weeks ago!”

But I digress.

“It’s a shame because the only way you’ll have a chance of beating me Christina, is to stop being such a weakling and bring out Crystal but we both know that there’s no chance in hell of that happening, you claim that it’s because you don’t want to disappoint your wife but we both know the real reason, you are a coward and a weakling living off past glories! Why do you think Seleana’s challenging Alicia for the title at High Stakes and you’re not? Because she’s the number one contender?”

Sure, that’s part of it but………

“That part maybe true but the other part is that you can’t hold a candle to your wife, and you know it, what’s that? That’s not true? How long has it been since you held a title again? Three years? And didn’t you attack Seleana to get a title shot back in April? Yeah, I brought that up during your segment back in the Bahamas, but my point still stands: people unfairly criticize me for demanding title shots, but I never attacked family members to get ahead, and how well did that work out for you in the end? That’s right, Alicia left Blaze of Glory a two time World Bombshell Champion!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“That is exactly what I’m talking about Christina, to beat me you need to drop the bullshit and bring Crystal Hilton out to play but we both know that that won’t happen and that will be your downfall, you thought my first two attacks were brutal Christina? Then just wait until the Chamber of Extreme Match, the very match type created by the man who criticized me for using weapons on you, I’m sure the irony isn’t lost on Christina, this is The Unsainted Angel Jessie Salco signing off, Christina, normally at this point I’d see “how dare you martyr me” but not this time, this time? You’ll be the martyr once I’m done with you because whilst all roses have thorns, by the end of the night, there will only be thorns on this rose!”

I stood up and went to join the boys as the scene fades.
Title: Christina Rose V Jessie Salco
Post by: Kate Steele on October 12, 2019, 01:06:51 PM
 Detroit Michigan
Off Camera

Christina had the option to head to Honolulu early and take in some of the festivities of High Stakes but she really wasn’t feeling it. She needed to get away from it all. She just honestly needed some time to herself and that is what brought her to the home of her longtime best friend Stephanie Sullivan. Stephanie was no stranger to Crystal Hilton or even that of the SCW crowd having spent time competing as a member of the Motor City Maidens alongside Crystal Hilton and of course her very own sister Allison. Crystal and Stephanie had gone way back to the fact that they had grown up together and despite and on and off friendship nothing could shake the fact that the two would forever be sisters and in the end that is what Christina felt she needed. Christina couldn’t help but rest on the couch of Stephanie. Her eyes fixated on that of the Television which had ESPN on and she was looking at the previews for the upcoming Detroit Lions game.

It wasn’t that long until Stephanie brought some hot plates into the dining room. It was definitely a breakfast for the ages as Stephanie had really out did herself with grits, eggs, bacon, and of course some freshly made biscuits. Stephanie’s 13 year old son Tyler walked into the room and he immediately started to shake Crystal awake.

“Auntie Crystal it’s time to get up. My mom is done making breakfast and you know how angry she gets if nobody eats her cooking…”

Crystal slowly nodded her head in return as she got out of bed. She walked over to the dining room table and took a seat as her eyes glanced over at Stephanie who sat next to her. Tyler was absolutely hungry as he reached for a biscuit but Stephanie quickly slapped his hands as she smirked at him.

“You haven’t said grace yet… Only after we say Grace will you be able to take some food…”

He nodded his head as he folded his hands and did a quick prayer and after that was done he turned his attention back over to the food. Stephanie looked back at Christina as she shook her head at her.

“So Crystal… And yes I am going to call you that because Christina just seems too long to call you that but it’s not often that you come back to Detroit of all places. I would have thought you would have been in Honolulu taking in as much sun as you could possibly get. I thought you would be swimming in beautiful crystal clear waters among drinking so many refreshing drinks. I honestly don’t know why you are back in Detroit of all places…”

Christina just shrugs her shoulders as she looks away.

“I just wanted to get some peace. I do have a football LFL team I own here so I wanted to catch up on some work for the team among just being home around people like you and my family. I don’t want to bother my wife with my own burdens when she has something important coming in her direction. She has a huge World Championship match coming her way and I don’t want to bring her down. The last time she was involved in a major title picture and I wasn’t I stabbed her in the back to try to take her spot. She won the title and in her very next defense she lost it. I allowed that dark side of me to really try to break her and in the end all it did was strained our relationship and it took a while for us to get it back together.  I don’t want to ruin a good thing and I need to focus after what Teddy, Chloe, and Diamond did to me…”

Stephanie raises her eyes in return.

“What they did to you, that doesn’t sound like you at all. I know somewhere deep inside you have a plan. You always seem to have a plan, and you always know of a way to get out of whatever mess you are in. Just focus on that and you will find a way…”

“Stephanie… I could find a way if I let Crystal Hilton take over but I won’t allow her to do that… I could have saw this coming but the thing is I am not going to go down that path just so the world can shit on me again. Just so nobody can take me seriously and everybody talk me down. The fact is I am not going to do any of that. I need to show stability and I have to figure this out. I just need to think. On top of that I have this big Chamber of Extreme match ahead of me and as much as Jessie might not have the biggest record in all of SCW I don’t know shit about being extreme. This is something that I am not comfortable with and I won’t allow the dark side to swallow me up…”

“I can understand what you are saying for somewhat but why is this so important to you?!”

Christina just shakes her head as the tears start flowing from her eyes.

“It’s because I am broke! For the first time in my life I don’t have the money to back up anything I do and I don’t really know what to do…”

Stephanie is taken back as she rubs her eyes a bit.

“What do you mean by broke?! You are like a 14 time World Champion. You are one of the best women wrestlers on the planet and you wrestled in like a billion companies. How does one who has so many gigs among everything else go broke…”

Crystal just sighs again.

“I know what you are thinking but I would often go into companies and donate my salary to that of various charities because I had my own movie studio backing me so money really wasn’t important to me. I do own a football team but I never claimed the money for myself. I do have a gig in that Batgirl series with Ruby Richards but that’s chump change. I need more and if I don’t find a way to get more I am probably going to have to sell my Hollywood home. I don’t want to downsize…”

Stephanie laughs as she shakes her head back at Crystal.

“Wow rich girl issues or more like poor girl problems. Doesn’t sound like such a big deal, so what if you can’t drive in your 10 cars, and who cares if you can’t have a private car service! It’s really not big of a deal, and if anybody can figure it out I know it’s you. It’s not too late to charge people like 10 bucks in some rundown bingo hall for your autograph. With the way your career has been regressing as of lately doesn’t seem like a far stretch from where you are at now!”

Christina just sits there dumbfounded as she just looks at Stephanie.

“It’s not even like that but I tried looking for some extra money. The blogging bit doesn’t pay as much as I thought it would, and I have been looking for jobs. A woman with no degree can’t really find anything. I promised I would never work in fast food but the only thing out there that keeps on biting is that of waitressing… I don’t want to be a waitress…”

Stephanie smirks as she glances back at her best friend.

“But you would be an amazing waitress. I think you would kick ass at doing it. Granted the tip money would also be great depending on where you become a waitress at?”

“You really think I can be that good…”

Stephanie nods her head.

“Crystal you can be good at whatever you do. It doesn’t matter if you are wrestling, or a waitress or something else entirely. When you put your all into something you always come out ahead. I know things might seem scary because there is going to be a change in your life but I wouldn’t focus on that. I would focus on just being yourself and seeing where life takes you. Include Seleana in your life and together with your wife you will be able to get through anything. You can’t hold things to yourself…”

Crystal just sighs in return.

“You do have a point… I guess I don’t have to worry, and as far as Jessie Salco goes I won’t stoop to her level. I won’t let my pride get the best of me. I will stay true to myself and I will do whatever I can to beat her at the Super Card. Thank you for always having my back Stephanie. You re amazing and we need to hang out more…”

Stephanie nods her head with a grin.

“Whatever you need Crystal. After all I am your best friend and beyond whatever blood might be coursing through our bodies we are sisters and that bond cannot be broken…”

Stephanie and Crystal can’t help but hug one another and it’s on that image that we slowly fade out on.

On Camera

The scene opens up and on this image we are able to see the one and only book worm of SCW Christina Rose. She is dressed completely as a nerd as she is sporting her glasses along with a green legend of Zelda shirt. She cracks a wide grin as she begins to speak to the cameras.

“Hello everybody my name is Christina Rose and I know that in over a week I will be walking into a huge match with that of Jessie Salco. Jessie you and I have been in this company for a very long time. Granted you have been here much longer than I have. You are a woman that I consider one of the pioneers in this business. You have done whatever the company has asked you to do and it didn’t matter if you were simply curtain jerking for bigger matches later on the card. It didn’t matter if you were fighting for various titles or taking the tag division by storm. The fact of the matter is that you always give everything you have and win or lost you find a way to pick yourself up and keep on pushing forward…”

Christina just shakes her head with a sigh.

“That’s definitely not who I am as a person because as history shows I have stabbed various women in the back which includes my wife. I have constantly changed my identity or attitude as a way to make myself feel better. I think I went through more attitude changes than that of me changing my hair colors and that is a lot considering I came in as a brunette and changed to that of a red head, pink hair, purple hair, and now it’s that of blue. There have been many different changes when it came to me but I guess being the little actress that I am it was often hard to really find out who I really am. It’s something that I am not proud of but I won’t deny it’s what I did in the past. The truth is I am absolutely scared of fighting you inside of a Chamber of Extreme next Sunday. I never thought things between us would get this heated. Everything that is beating inside of me is telling me to let Crystal Hilton take over my body. I should let her and the darkness consume me so she could come out and silence you in the middle of the ring. She would be able to handle the type of fucked up shit that we might see in a match like that. She might be able to handle that type of level of extreme that only a heavy metal head like you could bring to the table. Yet as much as you might scare me and I know I should bring Crystal out. I am not going to bring her out…”

Christina shakes her head as she continues to speak.

“I am not going to do anything drastic to change the way I am acting now because it wouldn’t get me anywhere. I know I have made some questionable decisions in my past but you Jessie aren’t a saint by any means. At one point you stabbed one of your closest friends in Kate Steele just to get her briefcase because you were jealous you couldn’t challenge for the championship. You jumped me from behind and there was a time when you were at war with one of your closest friends in Amy Santino. It would be foolish to constantly bring up what I did over and over again without looking at the dirt in your own eyes, and you too have committed some horrible things that you shouldn’t be proud of. So to solely blame me for being this unholy person would only make you a hypocrite in the long run…”

Christina smirks as she continues to speak.

“I can sit here and bury you but to be honest I stand behind what I said about you. You are perhaps the best person to have never held the World Championship. You have a list of accomplishments that goes way beyond what I have done. You have held Roulette, Internet, and have had the Tag Championships on multiple occasions. You have beaten me on many different occasions and I remember when you held your title in Honor you even beat me there as way. You have always found a way to somehow beat me and for that I say congratulations. Your last major victory over me coming just last year at Violent Conduct, you have all the talent in the world. I think I speak for everyone when I see you have the ability and the skills but what I really have to question is your motivation. I know it was out of line for me to beat up my wife to get a World title match. Everybody holds it against me and I won’t hear the end of it, but I didn’t come out week after week demanding a shot either. Sort of like how Keira is sounding nowadays saying it over and over again. That was never me. I earned my title wins and I had to bust my ass to get anywhere in this business. I think people tend to forget that because all they see is the hair dye and the attitude. Yet they don’t see the woman who had to grind to where she had to go. They don’t see the little girl who made it out of Detroit to finally become something…”

Christina shrugs her shoulders with a sigh.

“To be honest I am really afraid of what the future holds for me. You really screwed me over by being a distraction to me which allowed Diamond and Teddy to sneak in and try to control my company from right underneath my own nose. I know I should be angry, and I should seek some sort of serious revenge but in all honestly despite everything you may have done to me the only thing on my mind is going to that ring and fighting my heart out. Just because you demand Crystal so much doesn’t mean you are going to get what you want. Sure getting her might be the better fight and she is among one of the best of the best, but I don’t want to deal with the repercussions of what might happen when I go home. I don’t want to put Seleana through any of that. I don’t care if that is the unpopular decision or people hate me for that, but right now my wife and life at home is far more important than that of any title. It’s far more important than any match and I won’t do anything to jeopardize that. I know the odds might be stacked heavily against me. This match has you written all over it but I can’t afford to by into the hype that you will beat me. I can’t allow myself to be scared now because I have a lot to fight for…”

Christina nods her head as she keeps speaking.

“So you are going to get Christina Rose and you will just have to deal with it. the fact is Jessie is you have done some things to me that I can’t allow to go on. You have broken me. You have taken everything from me. You have humiliated me. You have jumped me and I had the chance to do the same to you but I didn’t. I didn’t because despite what you might think I am not like you. I won’t go to your level. I will be better than you and I want to humble you in the one place that it matters and that’s right in the middle of the ring. I know I might be out of my comfort zone for this match with you but that is what makes this even more special. Sometimes we have to adapt to our surroundings and we will be put in situations that we don’t necessarily like. As a blogger I have to adapt to what the people on the web want, and it’s the fans that chose for us to be in this match. I will not let the people down and if they want us to be in a chamber with one another so be it. You took everything from me Jessie or should I say nearly everything. You didn’t take my pride and it’s that pride and passion that’s going to propel me into beating you next Sunday. After next Sunday I will be back on track. I will find my mojo again and I will do so without any drastic changes. Don’t worry as a good little blogger when I am done I will have something to right about. See you then…”

With that Christina can only smile in return and it is on this image that we fade out on.

Title: Christina Rose V Jessie Salco
Post by: Jessie Salco on October 15, 2019, 07:25:56 PM
 RP Title: “Only Thorns Left On This Rose.”

High Stakes IX was this weekend and the guys and gals of SCW were gearing up for the biggest Supercard of the year! Alongside the yearly awards being given out and the hall of fame ceremony there was off course, the matches and for Jessie Salco and Christina Rose, their match had been building up over the past month since Christina was attacked by Jessie at the beginning of the Supercard Cycle, now they are set to face off in the Chamber of Extreme Match but can Jessie win?

Hawaii Glass Boat Bottom Tour
Tuesday the 15th of October 2019, 11:00am

Now, this is more like it!

When you last left us, we were just wondering around Honolulu aimlessly until I decided to cut my first promo for the match against Christina Rose, well this time we took the time to research things we could get up too in Honolulu and when we saw the Glass Bottom Boat Tour it was pretty much a unanimous decision! It’s only an hour long but you caught us not that long after the boat departed.

And the cameraman for my promo against Christina is here as well, so he’s joining in on the fun too!

And speaking of fun, I can’t wait for my match this Sunday at High Stakes IX against Christina Rose in the Chamber of Extreme Match, the only downside was that the tour was advertised as family friendly and anyone who’s seen my promos knows that I’m about as family friendly as the Saw franchise so yeah, this is gonna be a challenge when it comes time for my promo.

But hey, it’s not like I haven’t worked around awkward situations before, right?

Before you ask, no, I haven’t watched Christina’s promo and I don’t really have any intention to watch it either, my mind was numbed enough from those segments I had with her leading up to this match and I dread to think what watching one of her promos is like!

Besides that, I think I can guess what she said in that promo.

“Man, this is so cool!” Jake practically squeed as we watched the sea life from inside the viewing station, there was four viewing stations on the boat where we could watch the ocean floor an it was as cool as we thought it was going to be, let me put it this way, the last time I saw Jake this excited was when Within Temptation were announced as the Saturday night headliner for Bloodstock 2015 and he practically jumped out of his skin when he saw the announcement. “So glad we decided on this tour!”

“I know right?” I grinned as we watched the fish swim around, there weren’t that many other people on the tour which we chalked up to it being the middle of October but I’m not complaining because that means I don’t have to censor myself when it comes to promo time. “The only thing missing is a good selfie opportunity.”

“Do you really think the fish will cooperate with us?” Shane asked half-jokingly as we watched the ocean floor. “I mean the only time I take pictures of fish is when I’m proud of a seafood dish I’ve created.”

“Don’t let the fish hear you say that, they might take offense.” Jake joked as we managed to get a few good pictures of the fish, after a few minutes we left the viewing station, also included was lessons on the history and culture of Hawaii but I got my fill of that when Extra Credits did their two parter on Kamehameha, the king of Hawaii, not the move from Dragon Ball, we stopped at the bar to get some drinks though I remained sober because there’s no way in hell I’m conducting a promo drunk.

“We should definitely return here later in the week.” Shane commented once he received his drink and we nodded once we had gotten our drinks. “Do you think the other members of the Metal and Punk Connection would be interested in joining us?”

“I don’t know, Josh has been off the tour since his injury and only just came back for the Mixed Tag Title Match with Amy who will be busy training for the match.” I responded with a shrug before I took a sip from my drink. “As for Vinnie, he’s got his first defense of the World Title against Ty West on Sunday and if I where him, there wouldn’t be a second where I wasn’t training for the match.” I added before glancing out towards the ocean. “Only reason I could come with you guys is because I needed a break from training.”

“And that was only after I insisted.” Jake pointed out and I had to agree with him, after a few minutes I finished my drink and stood up.

“I’m going to do my promo for the match against Christina in one of the viewing pods.” I said as I stretched my arms a bit. “Don’t think they’ll be that many people down there.”

“Sure, send us a text when your done and we’ll join you.” Jake responded and I headed back down to the viewing pods and quickly made my choice as I got ready to do my promo.

“Last week, I did my promo in front of a beach, this week? I’m doing it in front of the ocean floor, more or less, but in a way it’s a fitting metaphor for our match Christina because your hopes of winning this match are sinking faster than the Titanic and the moment you signed the contract for this match was the moment you hit the proverbial iceberg! And before you ask, no, I haven’t watched your promo, I don’t plan too and I don’t plan to watch your second promo, why?”

It’s simple really.

“Because I know what you are going to say in both! “I’m not Crystal Hilton, she is dead and buried” “I don’t need Crystal Hilton to beat you”, I will say, I admire your optimism but as far as this match is concerned? I’m a realist and you won’t stand a chance against me in this match unless you prove that this rose has thorns and unleash Crystal Hilton on me! But it’s as I said last week, that’s not going to happen because you’re a coward!”

And that’s me being generous.

“Hell, even the fish behind me know that you can’t beat me without letting Crystal lose and I already proved it once in a regular match, what’s to stop me from repeating history? Nothing, because you’re too busy worrying about letting your family down to win matches! That was proven a few weeks ago when you got beat by Roxi Johnson and this Sunday at High Stakes IX I’ll prove it once again when I defeat you in the Chamber of Extreme Match.”

I chuckled as I pulled back the sleeves of my jacket revealing the brass knuckles.

“I’m not saying that I’ve been taking these things everywhere I go since I got here in Hawaii, but I did bring them out again for this promo, and who knows? Maybe I’ll sneak them into the Chamber of Extreme Match on Sunday? After all, this cycle started with me beating the crap out of you with these brass knuckles and maybe it’ll end the same way, by the way, how much did your replacement glasses cost you? Actually, don’t answer that because I don’t care, the hospital bill will cost a lot more than those glasses once I’m done with you!”

It won’t be pretty.

“Last week, I said that all roses have thorns and that you’d have to prove that by bringing out Crystal Hilton but me? There’s only thorns left on this rose, another quote from Dorothea of Fire Emblem: Three Houses fame by the way, because I give a crap what the other wrestlers think about me, that went out the window when the other Bombshells blatantly ignore the fact that you attacked a family member to get a shot at Alicia Lukas and instead pile on me for trying to cap off my career by winning the World Bombshell Championship.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

“But that isn’t my priority right now, my priority is winning this match and finally shutting up SCW’s most annoying blogger! As I said before you have one chance to win this match Christina and that’s to let Crystal Hilton out of her cage and I’ll say it once and I’ll say it so many times that you’ll let her lose just to shut me up but by then, it’ll be too late as I will destroy you! This is the Unsainted Angel Jessie Salco signing off, Christina, it’s simple, bring out Crystal or be destroyed!”

I sent the boys a text as the scene fades,.