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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Andrew on September 11, 2017, 07:49:42 AM

Title: Gonna Be An Interesting Tag Team Battle Royal
Post by: Andrew on September 11, 2017, 07:49:42 AM
 * Due to Hurricane Irma arriving in Georgia today, which is already causing high winds, rain, and a threat of tornadoes in the Atlanta Metro area where I live, I decided to post my promo today just in case we lose power and don't get power back until late in the week. - Andy



Narrator:  James Tuscini put up a great fight at Violent Conduct IV, against Ryan Keys and Killian Sweete, but he was defeated by Ryan Keys, and by a submission at that, ending James’ Internet Championship run at 28 days. Let’s tune in with James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando to see what they have to say about things and how they are getting ready for Climax Control 190.

We switch to a scene of James Tuscini and Pinky del Ferrando at Pinky del Ferrando’s Mafia Pizza restaurant located in Duluth, Georgia. They are sitting at one of the tables having a discussion and there is a third person with them but we don’t recognize that person. James is in casual attire of blue jeans, black athletic shoes, and a blue pullover shirt. Pinky is also in blue jeans, but he’s wearing black athletic shoes and a red pullover shirt. The unidentified man is wearing a dark gray business suit.


James:  As you can see, Uncle, you have to take this graphic literally to heart and put it deep into your mind. When we are in the initial stages of the Tag Team Battle Royal and our purpose is to eliminate the other Tag Teams you have to make sure that If you’re gonna fight, fight like you’re the third Monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark. And brother, it’s starting to rain.

Pinky:  Thanks James that helps a lot. And to think of it other Managers got into the ring to wrestle so no reason I can’t follow in the footsteps of Managers like Freddie Blassie, Bobby Heenan, Lou Albano, Mister Fuji, and others.

James:  The only difference between you and the Managers you mentioned is that they were wrestlers before they became Managers so it was easy for them to get back into the ring and wrestle again. I don’t believe I have enough time to get you at their level of wrestling performance but we can bust out some intense practice, training, and sparring, so that at least we won’t be the first Tag Team eliminated in the Battle Royal.

James informs the cameraman to cut his feed and that he will contact the cameraman later to meet up with them at the Gym where James plans on working with Pinky on wrestling skills before the two fly out of Atlanta to fly to Christchurch, New Zealand. The cameraman cuts the feed and our screen goes black.



The scene opens at the Bangkok Boxing Fitness center in Duluth, Georgia, located at 1630 Pleasant Hill Road. The cameraman pans around the facility and he lands the shot on James and Pinky in a ring where James is about to teach Pinky the best he can about the sport of wrestling. We notice James is in his normal wrestling attire but Pinky del Ferrando is wearing something that we can only describe

James:  Uncle! What the *bleep* are you wearing? Couldn’t you purchase something more along the lines of something considered “normal” by wrestling standards? I mean, come on, a pair of white cotton...longjohns?

Pinky:  This is all I had in my closet that would work. I wasn’t gonna wear one of my suits to the match. And I hate to have to go out and purchase something for a one-time event.

James:  What makes you think this will be a one-time event?

Pinky:  Well for one thing I’m 64 years of age. Another thing is I’m not trained as a full-time wrestler as the rest of you are. So this sleepwear, which young folks like you might call “longjohns,” was all I had available. If you want to be a jerk about it James I guess I could go out and purchase a very nice pair of thong trunks like those Ryan Keys wears? Wouldn’t you like me to come dressed in a thong so I can show my junk to everyone? Yeah, James, you wanna see a 64 year old man in a thong with his junk hanging out?

James:  Nevermind. Wear the longjohns. But I do have a question for you. There’s a flap on the backside of the longjohns. I see a few buttons holding the flap closed. Aren’t you worried you might pop a button or two, the flap will pop open, and you might moon the fans in the arena?

Pinky:  That’s the chance the fans are taking and we can only hope the censors have their finger on the censor button. Ha ha ha! Anyway let’s get to the training.

James and Pinky move to the center of the ring and James instructs Pinky how to execute some basic wrestling maneuvers. However in this Tag Team Battle Royal until it comes down to the last two teams the moves need to be structured to toss opponents over the top rope so that they will land on the arena floor to eliminate their team. James doesn’t have the time available to fully train Pinky in all the wrestling moves available so if their Tag Team, THE FAMILY, ends up as one of the last two, it might be difficult for them to win but they can give it their best shot as you never know what might happen. After a long training and sparring session James feels he’s done as much as he can with Pinky so they end the training session, exit the ring, grab towels to dry off, and bottles of water to drink.


Pinky:  By the way James you haven’t told me who the other Tag Teams are who are involved in the Tag Team Battle Royal. I would like to think about how the match will go during our flight to New Zealand.

James:  Sorry Uncle. In my rush to get you trained to wrestle I forgot to tell  you who we are facing. The other four Tag Teams we will be up against in this match include the following. Black Sheep consisting of Porter and Killian Sweete. The Monstimals consisting of Lord Raab and Samuel McPherson. London Underground consisting of Daniel Morgan and Osbourne. The fourth team we are up against is Horace Jackson and Travis Nathaniel Andrews.

Pinky:  All great tag teams with Black Sheep and Monstimals working together for a long time. With the other two Tag Teams I’m only familiar with TNA and I know he can be a damn tough competitor. So all we have to do is eliminate three of the four Tag Teams then it comes down to us and the other remaining team with the winner being crowned Sin City Wrestling Tag Team Champions?

James:  Easier said than done Uncle. However please remember the sign I showed you the other day about the monkey and remember the saying If you’re gonna fight, fight like you’re the third Monkey on the ramp to Noah’s Ark. And brother, it’s starting to rain. At least if you put up the best fight you can and still lose you can hold your head high knowing you did the best you could.

Pinky:  Thanks for the training and encouragement. I will give it my best shot and it will be fun to see what I am capable of accomplishing in the wrestling ring. Let’s get home and get packed so we can catch our flight to New Zealand. I want to get there so we can get settled in and relax for a time before our match at Climax Control 190.

James turns to the cameraman and the cameraman doesn’t need an explanation to know what he needs to do. He immediately cuts his camera feed and our screen goes dark for a moment before the Network throws up a commercial break.