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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Wong Fai Hung on July 15, 2016, 11:58:20 PM

Title: Elders Promo
Post by: Wong Fai Hung on July 15, 2016, 11:58:20 PM
 Foshan, China Master Wong's Dojo

We see Lin Ting Lu taking with Orchid and Alana Allure. All three women are seen wearing white business attire. Orchid is wearing a dress while Alana and Lin Ting Lu are seen wearing pantsuits.

Master Lilly: So are you two ready for tonight?

Orchid: Yes but why is Song not coming with us?

Alana Allure: It's my understanding that will be meeting her there.

Orchid: Oh I see.

Master Lilly: Well ladies make sure you have your pass ports handy we will be leaving in a few minutes.

Alana Allure: I'm ready.

Orchid: Me to. I just want to say by to say by to Jon sorry I mean Matt and Eyesnsane.

[COLOR="#008080"]Orchid: Maybe I will but I don’t think I will

Alana Allure: Oh you not coming with us to Las Vegas. Jon and Eyesnsane are booked vs. Bad Company in the finals for the Tag Team #1 Challenger.

Orchid: I'm sure Jon and Eyesnsane will give it there all and I will try to be there in Vegas but I need to get ready for me match next week in LAW.

Alana allure: Will hopefully you can make it to Vega on Sunday. I'm sure Eyesnsane and Jon Dough would like for you to be there.

Master Lilly: Well Orchid Alana and I will be outside waiting for you.

Orchid: Ok

*All thee leave the room. Orchid heads to the east wing of the building as Lin Ting Lu and Alana make there way to the main doors of the dojo.*


*We see Eyesnsane in a room with a stationary wooden dummy as tall as he is and with sticks coming out from it in multiple directions (Mook Yan Jong a.k.a. Wing Chun Wood Dummy).  

Eyesnsane is wearing grey sweat pants only as he slowly changes his stances as he moves carefully around the Mook Yan Jong.*


*Is all that is heard as he strikes the dummy and continues to move around it only now engaging it as if he is fighting.  Using quick arm and leg strikes and he circles his imaginary opponent with you hearing only his limbs move through the air followed by the contact he makes with the wood.  As Wrigley and Matt look on.*

Eyesnsane: I knew we would not loose and we did not.  I knew there was no chance that we would lose to the Acquin's if we had to face them again and fate as it seems has stepped in and assured that.  As I have stated before we are the best team in this tournament and we will win.  We will face the champions again and their reign will come to an end.

*Orchid quickly walks up to the door to walk in the room. She takes off her White high heels and walks inside the room. She nods at Matt as Matt waves back at her. Eyesnsane can see that Orchid has entered the room but he continues to attack the Mook Yan Jong.*

We are far past the point of the path being easy and having reviewed the footage of our last two performances I don’t like what I see.  I should have been stronger, I should have hit harder.  I have been out their as if I lost my focus and that ends here and now.  I refuse to lose to a damn team that the Acquin’s made fools out of.  I refuse to give into the overflowing ego of arrogance that is Johnny Tsunami.  I refuse to be a fool of by his overachieving partner Caleb either, who believes he’s got things in the bag due to his mixed martial arts training.  You know what that’s good for?  Know a little of this and of that, but mastering nothing!

*He pauses for a moment without losing contact with the dummy and actually looks at everyone in the room at the same time. A bead of sweat runs down his forehead and right over his left eye and Eyesnsane never loses focus or even blinks he continues to stare at them as if you could see the rage he felt boiling up with in himself.*

Eyesnsane: Let me tell you a story, something Master Wong used to tell me as a child growing up.  You see I went to learn in Foshan when I was young and when I first arrived the others knew not what to make of me.  They would barely even look at me which is something I got after all I was just some kid from Chicago and that meant nothing to them.

*Orchid nods as she can recall those days. She moves closer to Matt. Matt gets up from his seat to allow Orchid to sit. Orchid nods to say thank you and takes a seat. Wrigley moves away from Orchid so that he doesn’t shed hair on her white dress. Wrigley moves across the room next to some folded up gym mats that sit stocked about 4 feet high, He jumps up on top of them and lays down.*

So I worked harder I pushed myself harder and I excelled at everything he taught me. Soon some of the others considered me to be his favorite student.  They follow orders as if mechanical, which was something I never really got the hang of, just ask Master Lilly.  Yet when it comes right down to it I’ve done everything Master Wong has asked me to do and he in turn taught me about honor.  Ah but I promised you a story.

*Eyesnsane still has not moved at all his body still tense as if he was perpetually paused in time and not a real person.  With his muscles tensed and veins budging in his neck head and arms one would have to recognize his ability to control his own power.*

Eyesnsane: While on a hunt a king goes down by the river.  To fill his cup with water his hawk swoops in and spills it on the ground.  The king warns his hawk not to do it again, but the hawk does not heed his warning.  The king cuts his head off with a sword. The cup drops into the river and when the king retrieves it he finds a poisonous snake lying in wait, the hawk was trying to protect his master….

*There is a silent pause as Eyesnsane looks Matt right in his eyes as Orchid looks on as the room falls silent.*

Matt: So are you the hawk, or the king?

*Without warning Eyesnsane finally moves as if he were a coiled snake ready to strike completing his movements while also breaking the wooden limbs off of the Mook Yan Jong before delivering a spinning back elbow that knocks it from its mounted foundation causing it to lean right. *

Eyesnsane: I’m the sword.

*Eyesnsane then delivers a round house kick that knocks the Mook Yan Jong completely over on its side.  He turns and bows toward it and walks out of the room.  Meanwhile Matt and Orchid just look at him as he disappears from sight. Matt and Orchid turn to look at each other.*

Orchid: I see Eyesnsane is training hard for this match.

Matt: Yea he and Jon have some big matches coming up.

Orchid: Well I had came by to say by to you guys. When Alana, Master Lilly and I get back you and Eyesnsane would be in a plane flying back to the United States. Well please tell Eyesnsane and Jon Dough I said good luck. Take care Matt.

Matt: Thanks you too and enjoy your night out.

*Orchid gets up from the chair and leaves the room. Matt makes his way to the Mook Yan Jong to stand it back up. Matt looks at Wrigley and the dog jumps off the mats and sprits towards the door to make sure Orchid is no longer in sight. Wrigley barks to signal it’s clear. From behind the mats we see Song make her way out as she has been hiding there the whole time. Song is seen wearing a black shaolin robe*

Song: Thanks for that Matt.

Matt: Sure, but they think your waiting for them at the party. Why didn’t you go?

Song: I would rather be here training with you guys then go to some fancy party.

Matt: I see, well I don’t know about you but I can go for some food.

Song: Well I’m not hungry but I’m sure Eyesnsane is so I will go cook you guys some food.

Matt: Hell yea, I hear you’re the best cook in the dojo.

Song: I wouldn’t say I’m the best but I can cook a little something.

Matt: Cool lets go.

*Matt, Song and Wrigley leave the room.*


The next day

*Scene is set out side the dojo as Eyesnsane and Jon Dough are relaxing letting the wind hit them. Both men are seen Black shirts with yellow letters saying SCW on the front, Eyesnsane has on blue shorts while Jon has on black shorts. The two men are both wearing white gym shoes. We see Song making her way out of the dojo doors wearing a red shaolin robe. Song is holding a camera.*

Song: Okay guys time for some SCW footage for the upcoming match.

*Song turns on the camera and gives them the signal to start.*

Jon Dough: Hello SCW so in a few days the Elders will take on Bad Company. Now before we start let me just say #bringEmmaRoseback. Yep I’m not dropping the issue into she comes back or takes the time to reach me personally to tell me that she retired.

*Eyesnsane bumps Jon Dough out of the way to begin speaking.*

Eyesnsane: It’s almost like we are the Chicago Bulls on our way to our first three-peat.  Being that Johnny is from Detroit and these two are ones we have to get through for the shot at the champions.

Jon Dough: Yep you hear that Team BJ we’re coming for you guys

Eyesnsane: I’m not worried about facing Bad Company, as a matter of fact I am more confident then I have been the past two weeks.  Sure they are the types to claim what we did and who we beat to get here don’t really matter.

Jon Dough: And they would be wrong because it does.

Eyesnsane:  Truth is in their position they would have to claim just that.  What more can they say?  The Acquin’s made them look pathetic and then beat them.

Jon Dough: Yep they sure did.

Eyesnsane:  Now if they could not beat the team we already put down before this whole thing started what chance do they have?

Jon Dough: I’ll take zero for $200 Eyesnsane.

Eyesnsane: We beat the last team to challenge for the titles with relative ease.  Oh and trust me I’m not looking past these guys.  I’m looking right at them.  You see there’s nobody left after beating these two, nobody can say we took a short cut.  Nobody can down play our dominance.  As much as it sickens me that these two undeserving losers were just handed the match of their careers on a silver platter it will bring me that much more delight to snatch the opportunity away from them.  I’m almost salivating for the opportunity to put these two smug wanna be’s in their place.  

Jon Dough: In fairness we were just handed a title match before the start of the tournament so…

*Eyesnsane looks at Jon.*

Eyesnsane: Shut up Jon and let me take care of this.

Jon Dough: Oh my bad well I go stand next to Song then.

Eyesnsane: Yea you do that. I got this.

Jon leave the camera shot and makes his way to Song.
Jon Dough: Man Eyesnsane is on it today, I’m just trying to have a little fun.

Song: SHHH!!!

Eyesnsane: They can puff all the smoke they want to try and sing their own song of praises about how good they are but the fact remains if they were that good they would not be last second substations.  Thinking about it I should be insulted at the fact that Mark Ward thinks so little of us that he is going to send an obvious “B” squad at us to try and stop us.  The fact remains our time is now and there’s not a team built in the SCW that is going to stop us.  So all these sheeple, all the suits and everybody else watching better get real used to us because we are the new era in SCW tag team wrestling!  It’s just goes to show that the minority remains the authority.  Only 20% of the quote people were even smart enough to recognize us as their new champions.  Oh and don’t worry Tommy Knocks we are not going to make a liar out of you, we are the new tag team champions!