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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: Joshua Acquin on April 12, 2019, 08:49:25 PM

Title: The start of a new streak
Post by: Joshua Acquin on April 12, 2019, 08:49:25 PM
 Posted on

Jon Dough challenged me to a rematch in a two out of three falls match where he claimed he was going to beat me two to nothing.  Funny thing is that I was the one to do that to him.  In a sense, Jon screwed Jon. It feels great to break the streak of losses on SCW events and now on Climax Control.  I am now one of two males that have 60 career matches at climax control when I walk down the ramp next time.  I am in great company if you add in everyone that has hit that mark.  Each one of them I have the utmost respect for.  So I have got to go celebrate the win and then I need to fly back to the states to deal with business, so until I have another match I will see you on the other side.



Joshua’s house

Joshua is seen walking into the house carrying his bags as he just got home from Dublin and his daughter comes up and gives him a hug.

Madie: Welcome home dad.  How was the flight?

Joshua hugs her back.

Joshua: It was alright, where is your mom at?

Madie: She is out with her friends playing Bunco.  Did you forget?

Joshua: Well I must have.  Got to give me a break I haven’t seen a bed in about 36 hours with the flying and layovers.  So how were your trips to the colleges?

Madie: They were alright.  I think I almost have decided where to go to college.

Joshua:  That is great.  We can talk about this a little later, I am tired and I want to lay down before I take your mom out tonight.


Posted on

So this week I am back on the road.  I will be in Wales to face off against a newcomer in Jack Asher.  After having my losing streak broken in my last match I am feeling good about this match.  So I welcome the newcomer into my ring in SCW.  So I am flying back across the pond after having a week that I have taken care of my team and now I have this match.  I have plenty of time in air to watch his matches if I can find any.  That's the hard thing about new people you never have much film on them.  Sure I could go off of what others say but that only goes so far.  If you see me come have a pint with me.  So I am about to get on my plane and head that way.
