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Roleplay Boards => Archived Roleplays => Climax Control Archives => Topic started by: J2H on December 16, 2016, 12:58:27 PM

Title: A Christmas miracle
Post by: J2H on December 16, 2016, 12:58:27 PM
  And now it's time for a Christmas miracle. It is the time of the year that wrestlers do stick to a general Christmas theme, but it's also the time where they give a little back to the outside world and are set up to visit random places to add some Christmas cheer to the lives of people who don't often get to see it. Don't get me wrong, SCW goes above and beyond at times to be charitable, even if the charities are a little silly in thee bigger picture of the world - Seriously Christian, no more fucking pet charities when animals seem to live better than humans most of the time, I know you're behind it! Anyway, a little off track there, but even with charity shows and theme shows that give up toys for tots, like this show coming up, Christmas is when SCW stars often visit homes, hospitals and the like. If you keep up with Twitter, you'll see Sam Marlowe is visiting sick children this week, but for the SCW World champion, his name is often the first charitable organizations ask for.

The bosses have sorted out who deserves to see who, and the highly sort out champion and girlfriend were deemed fit to visit an orphanage on the outskirts of Beverly Hills. The smart amongst you will probably know that this would more be suited towards Melody Grace, rather than J2H, his hatred for most things in life would see this is a terrible idea for him to be there, but Melody was his calming influence, his light to his darkness, and the bosses know she'd keep him in check.

It didn't stop the champion complaining as the two sat side by side in the car, recently reunited from Melody's trip to Florida to shake some life back in to Kate Steele, even if he didn't see the point of Melody's friendship with Kate, or Kate's obsession with Melody.

The two sit at the front of the line in traffic, and J2H behind the steering wheel, flicks his head to the side, looking towards Melody with narrowed eyes, wearing a silver suit with black shirt, whilst Melody wears light blue jeans and a figure hugging white shirt.  

J2H: I just don't see the point of this babe. I don't even like kids and they're making us go there for no reason!

A slight look of disappointment runs over Melody's face as she look back towards him. She knew the two of them was very different, but knew somewhere in there, he had a heart.

Melody: Because it's Christmas Jam, they're kids without parents. They have no one to turn to when they're sad, and no  home to call their own.

J2H: Well they can have my parents, although my dad will just give them a house at sixteen years old and fuck off to Florida. I just don't get the obsession of SCW trying to look holier than thou by doing this every year.

Melody: What's the difference between them sending you to stores to sign autographs and sending you to see some needy kids? You still get to brighten up people's days.

He lowers his eyebrows as he looks towards Melody, his mind rushing with thoughts.

J2H: Babe, this ain't about me, this one is about you. SCW knows you will bring a bit of brightness to their lives, I don't even know why they want me here.

Melody reaches over, squeezing J2H's leg and looking at him.

Melody: Does it matter why they want you here? I want you here. That's what should matter. I  missed you when I was in Florida, so any time I can spend with you is good time.

He knew he'd been beaten at that point as the traffic light changed and he moved the car forward, moving it down the road at a steady speed.

J2H: I don't even know why you went to Florida. The woman is a wrestler, she should be able to shake off defeat. Everyone loses titles, except me of course, I'm too good for that, but I think she did that just to get you there, she's like obsessed with you Mel.  

Melody waves her hand towards J2H, shaking her head firmly at him, as he pays more attention to the road in front.

Melody: Kate is a friend. Are you saying you wouldn't help a friend if you had a chance?

A laugh escapes J2H's lungs as a wide smile crosses his face.

J2H: I don't have any friends for that reason, and the ones I do stopped being friends long ago when I stopped being around them.  

Melody: You don't know what you're missing out on.

J2H: And I don't think I wanna know.

Spinning the wheel to the right, J2H pulls in to parking lot, looking up at a big, yet unmaintained building in front of him. He spins his head towards Melody with a look of confusion on his face.

J2H: Is this the place?

Melody nods towards him as he continues to look at the building in front of him.

Melody: It is.  

A slight look of disgust crosses the champions face as he looks up at the decrepit looking building. He slowly shakes his head.

J2H: Kids live in there? It's like a factory. There's mice that wouldn't live in there!

Melody: They don't get a lot of funding Jam. They live off donations from the local people and charity things.

J2H: There's like people all over the world that wanna adopt kids, and instead they stick them all in a building here and almost forget about them.

Melody looks at J2H as he sits with a partial look of shock and surprise on his face.

Melody: Careful J, anyone listening might think you have a heart after all.

A raised eyebrow comes from the champion as he turns his head towards Melody, quickly shaking it as he clicks down to remove his seatbelt.

J2H: Shall we just go in before I change my mind?

Melody nods as she unclicks her seatbelt and opens the car door. J2H does the same and steps outside, the two shutting their doors almost at the same time. The two move around the front of the car and Melody links her arms around his.

Melody: Just be nice Jam, these kids have it tough enough without you being a grinch.

He rolls his eyes at Melody and the two walk towards the door, a big glass covered door, with cheap looking plastic trimming around it. J2H pushes the stiff handle down and pushes the door open and holds it open for Melody to walk through. The two look around the grim looking beige and brown reception area, where a man awaits their arrival. He steps forward unenthusiastically.  

J2H: Mr Smith I'm guessing.

Mr. Smith: I am, but you can call me Bob.

Melody extends her hand, warmly shaking it. He offers his hand to J2H, who shakes it casually.

Melody: Nice to meet you

J2H looks around the reception area, his eyes darting around.

J2H: I would like to say what a nice place you have here, but let's be honest, it's a shit hole.

Melody: James!

It's very rare Melody ever calls him James, he knew she thought he'd overstepped a mark, but he felt justified in his words.

J2H: What? It is.

Mr. Smith: Sadly, funding has been down recently, so we haven't been able to do as much as we wanted. Please, follow me, the children are waiting in the dining hall.

Mr Smith points towards a door to the side and he leads Melody and J2H towards it. They follow past a row of doors.

J2H: What's in this door?

The group stop as J2H points towards the door.  

Mr. Smith: This is just a standard bedroom, would you like to see?

Melody: Sure.

Mr Smith opens the door and he steps in to show a small room, four bunk beds along the back wall. J2H looks around the room, looking at wallpaper peeling off the wall. He takes note at how dimly lit the room is, as dirty windows block some of the light filtering through. He shakes his head slowly.

J2H: This is fucking disgusting. Eight children to one room? A room that looks this bad?

Melody tugs on J2H's sleeve, with a look in her eye to try and get her outspoken boyfriend to stop his outburst.

Mr. Smith: We are trying to do the best we can with the very little that we have. It is high on our list to make these rooms a better environment for the children.

J2H: Your best ain't good enough bro. If I was forced to be here, I'd be doing all I can to turn sixteen and leave this place.

Melody once again tugs on J2H's jacket sleeve.

Melody: Let's move on, the kids will be waiting.

Melody pulls J2H out of the room, and is quickly followed by Mr Smith, who closes the door behind him. He points down the hallway towards a door at the end, quickly jumping in front of Melody and J2H. Melody looks up at J2H with pleading eyes.

Melody: Please be good Jam.

J2H looks around the hallway, the decor can only be described as depressing and outdated.

J2H: Mel, this place is like something out of Oliver Twist for fucks sake. No one should live like this. I mean if your an orphan, you've had a huge loss, but to be forced in to this, is just wrong.

Melody: This place has really got to you, hasn't it? Does this mean we can adopt everyone and take them home?

Melody's eyes light up with excitement, as she asks the question and hoping for a miracle response from her boyfriend.

J2H: It does not, but this place is shit.

They reach the end of the hallway and Mr Smith opens the door to the dining room.

Mr. Smith: Can I have your attention please.

A room of thirty children and six adults instantly lower their tone to a hush as they look at the authoritive Bob Smith.

Mr. Smith: We have two very special guests here with us today. They're from the television, welcome in wrestlers J2H and Melody Grace.  

J2H and Melody walk in the room, instantly met with screams and charging kids, instantly running towards the two SCW superstars. J2H looks around, noting mentally not one Christmas decoration hanging from the walls, not a tree to be seen. He looks towards Mr Smith.

J2H: Couldn't even afford a tree?

His question is greeted with a shake of a head. A disgusted look crosses the champions face as he turns back to the children charging towards him, and paints a smile on his face. He looks towards Melody, already on one knee to greet the children and follows her lead, dropping to a knee as the children swarm around him with hugs. He looks at a young boy near by and speaks to him.

J2H: So what do you want for Christmas little man?

The boy looks surprise that J2H has spoken to him out of all the kids in the room.

Young Boy: I just want to be happy.

The answer seems to hit a nerve with J2H, who looks at the boy with an impulsive look of surprise.

J2H: You're not happy here?

The young boy shakes his head sadly, pulling on the usually ice cold J2H's heartstrings. He looks around the room, seeing the depressing basic dining hall, a distinct lack of Christmas spirit filling the halls.

J2H: Well let's see if I can help with that.

His voice starts to break up slightly as he stands up and looks at Mr. Smith.

J2H: Is there somewhere else in here we can take the kids and hang out rather than in here?

Mr. Smith: There is.

J2H: Let's do that.

Melody stands up and looks towards J2H, catching part of his question to Mr Smith.

Melody: What are you doing, Jam?

J2H: You'll see.

Reaching in to his pocket, he pulls out his phone and types in the pin to unlock it. He quickly pulls up his contact list and scrolls to a number, before lifting the phone towards his ear and waits patiently.

J2H: Simpson, I need you to do something and fast.

Fast forward a few hours and J2H leads Melody and Mr Smith back down the hall towards the dining room. Behind them, thirty children follow them, talking amongst themselves. J2H stops at the door, his hand around the handle and looks back at the children.

J2H: I think you guys deserve some Christmas cheer. I know you don't have it easy but it is Christmas after all.

He opens the door and steps back, allowing Mr Smith to lead the children in to the room, gasps of surprise are heard behind the door. Melody looks at J2H with a curious look on her face.

Melody: What did you do?

J2H points in to the room and Melody walks in, her mouth drops open widely as her eyes feast upon and huge Christmas tree set to one side, along with a mountain of presents underneath. Other decorations hang from the wall and ceilings. She turns her eyes to the table, where plates are set up and three turkeys and all the Christmas trimmings you could desire, line the center of the table.

Melody: Oh my god!

J2H turns his head to the right to see Santa Claus approaching them. Melody turns her head to see the man, as he nods towards J2H.

J2H: Thank you, Simpson.

Revealed as Simpson, Santa Claus bows his head towards the young man.

Simpson: You're very welcome sir.

Melody wraps her arms around J2H's neck, squeezing him tightly and whispering in his ear.

Melody: Looks like your heart grew five sizes.

J2H raises a finger to his lips in the internationally known symbol of shush, as the scene fades out.

In front of one of many Christmas trees in his home, J2H sits cross legged. Dressed in loose fitting white pants, and a black sleeveless shirt. His eyes narrow as he looks down at the SCW World championship across his legs. He runs his finger across the nameplate, his fingers tracing the letters. Slowly the champion raises his head, looking towards the camera with menace dancing in his eyes.

J2H: It is the season for giving I guess, and well this is Joshua Acquin's Christmas present.

He rolls his eyes, his unimpressed and sarcastic tone filling the air.  

J2H: And I know you feel like a kid at Christmas, I know since it was announced you'd be in the ring with a man who has tipped SCW upside down and shook it by it's ankles, the biggest and best opponent you have ever faced, you've been running around excited, but it's time to burst that bubble of yours Acquin.

His lips curl up in a smile as he looks down the camera.

J2H: You had to use a whore as an excuse rather than earn it like everyone else has tried to do. You had to sit there and do the dishonourable thing, by jumping in ahead of the queue to get a match with me. People have busted their asses for months to be at my level, people would have loved to be in the ring with me trying to take away my title belt because they've earned it, but you had to try and take advantage because I mentioned that waste of space.

Conviction comes from his voice, feeling justified in every word that passes his lip.

J2H: See, defending people only works if the person you defend has a little honor about them and Amy Marshall does not have that. Anyone can throw their legs in the air and moan loudly, but you don't seem to get that, so you thought she needed defending and you jumped in to this match when I could have been headlining this show in a real match. You're the reason I'm not headlining the last show of the year, believe me.  

He rolls his shoulders back as he tilts his head, looking down the camera.

J2H: It is the season of miracles and it's a fucking miracle someone actually decided to book this match. It's a miracle anyone would even wanna see you in the ring against me. It's fucking embarrassing. I don't know who is more embarrassed for this, me for having to face someone who wouldn't know midcard if it bit him in the ass, or Amy Marshall being defended by you!

He points down the camera, as if you put an exclamation mark on his claims.

J2H: Seriously, out of all the people she knows, all the people she hangs around with, the likes of Ben Jordan and Jamie Dean, you had to come out to defend her, when realistically,  put you two in a match and she'd kick the living shit outta you. It's embarrassing for her to be defended by you and it's embarrassing that I'm finding myself in this match with you. Only bright side to facing you is the fact that I end 2016 on the easiest win of my career and believe me, there's been a lot of easy wins, but you will be the easiest win I've ever had. I mean out of everyone sitting backstage, out of everyone that could have returned to actually give me a match, I get you and we all know why Acquin.

A sigh escapes the champions lips, before he lifts his head and looks down the camera with a serious look on his face.

J2H: Because you've been running round backstage for months, kissing bosses asses, doing what they say, brown nosing and worming your way in. You admitted yourself on Sunday that you've been working backstage, following orders like a good little solider, and this is why you're in this match. Amy Marshall was just an excuse for you to be in front of the camera, to make it seem justified, but we all know you're out there because you've been kissing ass for months to the point where you've been rewarded. You haven't earned your way in to this match by what you can do in the ring, you've pulled yourself in to it by what you've done outside of it, cause you know for a fact you would never, ever get the chance to be considered to ever face me. Little Mr Ass Kisser has annoyed SCW by jumping the line. Well here's the thing Little Mr Ass Kisser, you're gonna end up wishing you never did all that brown nosing, you're gonna wish you just stayed backstage getting the bosses coffee and leaving the wrestling to the real men, like me.

He quickly points two thumbs at himself as he smirks down the camera.

J2H: You're not in ring shape, you'll be blown out in minutes, there's not a chance in hell you will ever be able to keep up with me. Better men have tried, but all have failed. Better men have got me worried, you do not Acquin. In fact I could throw a fucking Christmas party in the ring while defeating you, it's not even gonna be a problem to me.

He shrugs casually down the camera, looking uninterested as the thought of the match rolls through his mind.

J2H: You've basically come back, stole a spot and will get beat so badly, you'll wish you never even bothered. The whole of the wrestling world is shaking it's head at this. The greatest ever SCW World champion ends the year facing someone who has wrestled like once this year. How the fuck are you even employed? How the fuck are you even considered a wrestler anymore? There's kids in school playgrounds that have wrestled more in the last week, than you have in the last year. Do you really think you have a chance? I mean if this is about retribution for my words, retribution for me calling a whore a whore, then how are you gonna feel, fuck, how's sweet innocent Amy...

He air quotes his last three words.

J2H: ...Gonna feel when poor little Joshy boy couldn't actually get any level of retribution while trying to defend the honor of someone who has no honor?  

He wags his finger at the camera with a cocky half smile.

J2H: This whole thing is pointless, you are pointless and because I will beat you so easily without you even coming close to getting your retribution, you even being on camera again last week was pointless. This is gonna be more one sided than a photograph, it's not even worth you coming down to the ring because I think everyone already knows the way this one is going.

He clears his throat, but holds up his hands in an innocent stance.

J2H: Don't get me wrong, I don't underestimate anyone at all, but we all know what you can do, and that's not enough. Your highlight reel would last like four seconds. Everyone in the world knows this is a huge mismatch and that I will steamroll through you like you're not even there. There's bookies that won't even take bets on this because they know it's gonna be an easy win for me. Even with the thought in your head that if you win, that puts you in the title picture, probably headlining the next supercard with me, you know deep down that it's a pipe dream and never gonna happen. You know that I'm the best I've ever been after getting through Dmitri, I had to be the best I've been to get through him. Did you watch that match Acquin.

J2H tilts his head and looks up, before turning his head and eyes back to the camera.

J2H: What am I saying? Of course you saw it, everyone with half a brain saw it and you clearly do have half a brain. That was a challenge, that was a man who would go the extra mile to win, he pushed me to be better, and believe me when I say this Acquin, you're not even a quarter of the man he is. He forced me to lift my game and I refuse to drop it down again. This and this alone should get through to you that you're not on my level.

He pauses for a second, breathing deeply.

J2H: What are you hoping to gain from this really Joshua? Is this about getting in the title picture, or getting Amy Marshall to drop her panties for you, like she has done for the rest of the male species? Are you jealous she just doesn't see you in that way, or wanna pay you to be in her next movie? We've seen you hit on and fail with everyone, so what makes the really bad porn star so special? There is nothing special about her and you must need your fucking eyes tested if that's what you wanna get your rocks off to. This is clearly your ego driven attempt to get a piece of her, but I'm gonna break this down for you real easy Acquin.

He holds up one finger.

J2H: One, you will not defeat me.

A second finger gets raised.

J2H: Two, you will never be in the World Championship picture, EVER.

He raises a third finger.

J2H: And three, you will never get Amy Marshall to look at you the way you look at her, and I don't mean on a screen holding a box of tissues.

He lowers his fingers and smirks arrogantly.

J2H: That's spelling it out for you so even an idiot like you can understand it. Whatever you hope to achieve stops when you get in the ring with me. Go give your brother a call, go back to the tag team division because this will never be in your reach.

He quickly runs his hand across the World championship on his lap.

J2H: I've proved all year that I am above everyone else in SCW. I've gone from strength to strength to show that I'm the best in the world and I am truly unstoppable. I won't be slowing down right now just cause you've put your face back in it, and no one will remember you afterwards when you disappear again. These people ain't stupid bro, they know you'll be gone again after this one, so I won't put the fans through having to deal with seeing you for more than a few minutes in that ring. Going against me will not save your career, or whatever is left of it. Trying to stand up to me won't get you noticed more because the people will forget you as soon as the referees hand hits the canvas for the third time and raises my hand. You should never stand up to something you know you can't beat, you should just bow in my presence because I am here to continue to go through anyone who stands in my way, for whatever reason.

He bows his head, looking down the camera with a serious look.

J2H: You will never come close to beating me Acquin, you will never be good enough to lace up my boots. You'll be back on the scrap heap before you know it and I will end 2016 in a winning fashion that only you could dream of. I will be the man smiling at the end of this one, while you try go get some sympathy before disappearing again. Face it, you're a loser now, you will be a loser on Sunday, and a loser for the rest of your life. Only thing I'm giving you for Christmas Acquin, is the thing you're used to more than anything else. That bitter taste of defeat.

He lifts the championship belt over his shoulder.

J2H: That's real talk bitch.

The camera fades out for the last promo from SCW's longest serving world champion.